The Impact of Social Media and the Healthcare Industry[INFOGRAPHIC]

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September 09, 2013

In today's society utilizing social media is commonplace whether you are looking to connect with old classmates or if you are interested in networking and expanding your professional appearance. Whether you work in the healthcare industry or in social media yourself, knowing the impact that social media has on the healthcare industry is a way to truly gain insight into the power it has over all careers and future outlooks.

According to statistics, patients are influenced to share details about their own medical history, upcoming surgeries and even other health-related causes that they support with the use of social media platforms. More than 28% of patients are likely to support a health-related cause with banners, text posts and information available to share with others within their own networks.

More than 27% of all patients who utilize social media are likely to comment about health updates or experiences they have had themselves or experienced within their own family or household. Posting about updates and experiences including surgeries and treatments can be found in 24% of all patients who are also actively involved with their social media accounts and pages.

Joining a health-related cause or group online is found within 20% of all patients who are currently active within online social networks. Additionally, sharing health symptoms and even tracking behavior medically is done by 18% of all patients who are utilizing social media communities.

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16% of all patients who have access to their own social media accounts are likely to post reviews of doctors, insurers, medications and various treatments they have received to help with building a more expansive online medical community. Sharing images and videos that are health-related is also found in approximately 16% of all patients online who also have social media pages to themselves.

According to statistics, social media users who have active accounts are more likely to trust posts that have been published by doctors themselves over any other individual or group online. 60% of all users say they are likely to trust information if it can be proven that it was published online by a credible doctor or medical professional. 56% of all browsers who search for medical advice and diagnosis information online are likely to trust a nurse when seeking out information of their credibility can be verified.

The use of Social Media in the Health Care Industry

Source: Your Degree Guide

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