The Lorman Blog

Where training professionals and lifelong learners come for industry news, insights, and continuing education resources.

In our ever-evolving world, companies must learn to accommodate the needs of people in both physical and digital spaces. Learn how becoming more accessible will help protect your organization’s future.

Posted on 06/09/20

Every year, organizations across the country celebrate safety by focusing on ways to prevent workplace injuries and hazards. The holiday is an important reminder to make sure our workplaces become safer every year.

Posted on 06/02/20

How have your state's regulations changed? Several states are allowing more online training for CLE credits. Learn how this impacts your state.

Posted on 06/01/20

When it comes to training and compliance, organizations have no choice but to invest in courses and certifications for their employees. But it’s been proven workers crave growth beyond industry-mandated training.

Posted on 05/28/20

Individuals who lack motivation from upper management ultimately become disillusioned and less productive. Discover 6 simple ways HR and leadership can motivate employees on a daily basis.

Posted on 05/26/20

Rules and regulations are always changing but some things in the compliance world stay consistent. Tthese are the top 10 books for governance, risk management, and compliance professionals.

Posted on 05/21/20

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