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The Value of Training as an Employee Benefit

The Value of Training as an Employee Benefit

Posted on 08/06/20 By Lorman Team

Organizations should always strive to create a company culture that promotes the growth of employees within the company. Employees are the backbone of an organization and can be the difference between success and failure.

It is essential for company to offer a comprehensive benefits package to employees that will not only attract the best talent from the outset, but retain those talented individuals for years to come.

two coworkers pointing at a computer screen mid-discussion

Best Employee Benefits Packages

The best benefits packages offer a combination of features that cover the employee's basic needs through traditional options, plus a variety of perks to promote overall wellness for your employees. 

Traditional employee benefits include:

  • Health and Dental Insurance
  • Retirement, 401K, or pension plan
  • Sick Leave
  • Paid Time off for personal days or vacation
  • Parental Leave

The word 'wellness' can have a different meanings to different people; while some employees may value health-related benefits or child care assistance, others may place more value on benefits that promote personal growth.

Additional Employee Benefits 

When offering benefits to your employees it is important to offer different options that are attractive to a wide audience and benefit everyone within your organization in some way.

This may include options such as:  

  • Fitness Memberships
  • Child Care Assistance
  • Training & Development Programs

Importance of Training Employees

Providing employees with the training necessary to fulfill their employment duties is a necessity. However, when you go above and beyond that basic need by offering training as a benefit, you are communicating to your employees that you value their presence within your company and consider them a worthy investment.

It is important to offer employee training opportunities that will allow them to contribute to your company more effectively, while also promoting their own personal growth. By providing your employees with the tools and programs to learn and develop new skills, you are creating a more knowledgeable and experienced workforce and encouraging loyalty and growth within your company.

paperwork on a desk

Combine Training Benefits with Opportunity

Providing training and development to your employees is an attractive benefit that encourages your employees to rise through the ranks and grow from within your company. But remember, when you offer training to your employees it is critical that your company's culture is also promoting growth through its actions.

Ensure you have developed opportunities within your company for your employees to grow. Offering training benefits without opportunities will leave your employees feeling trapped and more likely to further their careers elsewhere. Create programs for incentives, recognition, and promotions or raises that will make your workforce feel valued and keep your workforce eager to learn and work for your company.

Training Benefits for Employees

Training benefits are an appealing aspect to prospective employees as well as your current workforce. Through this benefit option, you are communicating to your employees that they are a valuable asset to your business and you consider them important in your company's future. 

Learn how Lorman works with the enterprise to provide comprehensive company-wide training solutions.



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