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Implementing an Effective Hybrid Work Model

Implementing an Effective Hybrid Work Model

Posted on 01/04/24 By Guest Contributor

Hybrid work arrangements are quickly becoming popular in the workplace following the pandemic. According to a survey by McKinsey, about nine out of ten organizations prefer combining remote and in-person work arrangements. However, to implement a successful hybrid work arrangement, you must have the right strategies. That means you should take time to learn the meaning, challenges, and advantages of this new landscape. 

If you plan to establish an effective hybrid work model, here is what you need to know. 


What is Hybrid Working?

Hybrid working is a flexible and dynamic employment model that combines in-person and remote work. This arrangement gained popularity during the pandemic when organizations had no option but to encourage employees to work from home. Organizations using a hybrid work model offer their employees an ideal work-life balance. This results in increased productivity and better employee satisfaction, ultimately improving customer satisfaction. 


Benefits of Hybrid Working

According to research, about 50% of employees would quit their jobs if their company did not offer a hybrid work plan. This highlights how vital it is for organizations to adopt flexible work arrangements. Some benefits of hybrid working include;

Increased Productivity

In a hybrid arrangement, employees enjoy flexible hours and a refreshing change of environment, which increases their focus and performance. When your workforce has more flexibility, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and balance workloads. This can improve employee engagement and help drive company performance.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Working full-time in the office can be stressful for some employees. It can negatively affect their performance and increase their frustration levels. A hybrid work model allows people to spend quality time with their families and engage in healthy hobbies while working on their professional goals.

Reduced Operating Costs

With fewer employees on site, organizations likely need less office space. They also save on fuel, security, and maintenance costs associated with operating a physical location. In addition, workers who commute to their workplace can save time and money when they work from home.


How to Perfect Hybrid Working

The key to establishing an effective hybrid work model is to provide a productive and friendly environment. Examples of ground rules to help you get started are;

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Communication is the backbone of a successful hybrid model. Therefore, find a communication channel that works for you and your employees. This could be conference calls, emails, or team messaging platforms. The important thing is to find a medium that ensures everyone on your team is on the same page and aware of the plans for the day.

Set Expectations

Set clear expectations for your hybrid model and communicate them to your employees. This helps to prevent confusion about how things should work and who is responsible for what. Because various employees manage their time differently, when you are setting expectations, focus more on the outcomes than the working time.

Provide the Right Tools and Resources

Digital tools, like chat and productivity software as well as video-conferencing tools, are vital to the success of hybrid working. So, ensure you provide your team with the appropriate tools and teach them how to use them. It will also help you collaborate more effectively, which is vital in a remote work environment.

Foster a Culture of Trust

Remote working can cause feelings of isolation and disconnection among employees, leading to disengagement. To combat this, create an environment where trust is the cornerstone of your relationships with your team members. Encourage open communication between your remote employees and let them know you're available to support them in any way possible.

Provide Opportunities for Bonding

Remote working can be isolating, especially for young employees without a family or pets to keep them company. Therefore, consider providing bonding opportunities to boost your team's morale and make them feel more connected. These activities can range from group dinners to collaborative projects to outdoor team-building activities.


Learn More About Supporting a Hybrid Workforce

A hybrid work model is the future of workplace flexibility. However, to fully benefit from this arrangement, you need to learn its best practices and invest in the necessary tools and resources.

Learn more from our expert faculty instructors — Lorman offers live and on-demand webinars dedicated to supporting managers, businesses, and employees in remote and hybrid work environments. Contact us today to learn how we can support your ideal hybrid work model for your organization.

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