Learn How to Develop Career Paths for Employees
Posted on 09/22/20 By Lorman Team
Major corporations and smaller companies retain employees when they add educational opportunities for career advancement. Many companies encourage their employees to take classes and special training programs that offer them a chance for better-paying jobs within the organization.
Statistics from a recent Gallup poll show that 93% of employees move on to other companies to advance their careers. Offering employees educational opportunities within a company is a major benefit for both the employers and the workforce since this encourages employee retention.
Managers who help talented employees map out a career path will find that they are appreciated by employees who do not want to stay in seemingly dead-end jobs. These employees show interest in moving forward in their careers in various aspects of businesses. They usually want to stay with the company they consider "home" that has supported their long-term goals.
Charting a Career Path to Retain Top Talent
A career growth plan may mean the employee transitions through several jobs that lead to a top tier position; for instance, a person may start as an administrative assistant and move up into a management position over time. Additional training and classes in related fields are usually very helpful for motivated employees. An employee may work in other areas of a company to learn all aspects of the business while taking classes related to management.
Employees may be seeking certifications in various topics as they begin their career mapping journey. Many employees want to stay on top of the newest trends in technology to improve their careers, and HR or team and project managers should assess the educational programs that are needed to advance employees.
HR managers can track employee growth by working with career progression charts that includes necessary educational programs. Each employee's progress should be carefully tracked as they improve their skills and move to different levels within an organization.
Employees can request additional training in different areas as they develop new interests and aptitudes. The career path may change as a person finds that he or she wants to move into a different area of a company.
Company Training Programs
There are many career opportunities for people from every social and economic background. The right educational programs will set people on the road to employment in the jobs that are available with excellent growth potential.
Many large companies provide training programs and classes to help employees with their career growth plans. This can include programs where people learn new concepts while they work with computers or new machines. Companies can also provide webinars and special seminars that inspire employees to set new career goals.
Companies that provide continuing education and training for employees find that this is the most cost-effective way to ensure that their staff is constantly developing new skills and filling knowledge gaps. Training gives employees the opportunity for personal and professional growth.
Employees will feel engaged in their work when their employee actively encourages them to take programs and classes that promote personal growth in various topics.
Our upcoming course, Developing Employee Career Paths, will teach Human Resources professionals how to help employees establish goals based on individual interests and the needs of their organizations. They can develop strategies to encourage employees and explain how career pathways will improve organizations.
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