For 10 years, the requirements of FISMA have raised significant compliance and security concerns for federal agencies.
For state and local governments, where budgetary concerns are matched only by ever-increasing security risks, those concerns are even greater. The questions are daunting: What is FISMA? How does it apply to my department? What compliance requirements am I responsible for? How will the latest FISMA developments affect me? This OnDemand Webinar will address the concerns of state and local officials concerned about FISMA compliance, and information security in general. For anyone who needs to understand FISMA and its effect at the state and local level, this program will provide an overview of the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 and highlights from its first 10 years of implementation; it will address the extent of compliance at the state and local level, and address what cost-effective benefits may be available for utilizing FISMA's model for information security management.
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FISMA at 10: An Overview of FISMA's First 10 Years
- The World Before FISMA: Background of the Federal Information Security Management Act
- FISMA Through the Years: Key Milestones During FISMA Implementation
- Examples of FISMA-Related Issues, at the Federal, State and Local Levels During FISMA Implementation
Deep Dive: Applying FISMA's Federal Lessons at the State and Local Level
- FIPS in Action and Other Practical Applications: Applying FISMA Through the Federal Information Processing Standards
- Taking FISMA Local: How States and Local Governments Are Addressing Information Security Management
- Follow the Leader: What Are the Benefits to Developing FISMA's Model for Information Security Management
Updates and FISMA Topics on the Horizon
- Latest From NIST: Discussion of NIST February 2012 Final Rule Updating FISMA Compliance Requirements
- Legislative Overview: Potential Upcoming Legislation Affecting Information Security Management
Questions and Answers
- Open the Floor for Remaining Questions
- Frequently Asked Questions to Ponder and Answers to Consider
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on July 10, 2012.
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This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Keir X. Bancroft
Venable LLP
- Partner at Venable LLP, a national law firm with Chambers USA-ranked government contracts and privacy and data security practices, among others
- Counsels government contractors on matters pertaining to cybersecurity, information security, and supply chain security; addresses compliance issues throughout the federal, state, and local government services sector; offers counsel and advice to clients in compliance with regulatory matters including FISMA, the Privacy Act, and a range of other cyber- and information security-related regulations; also counsels clients on transactional matters including mergers and acquisitions and the negotiation of joint ventures, teaming, subcontract agreements, and litigation involving contract disputes and bid protests
- Served as an attorney advisor and privacy officer in the United States Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where he provided advice and counsel on privacy considerations related to systems development, among other responsibilities
- Wrote, Regulating Information Security in the Government Contracting Industry: Will the Rising Tide Lift All the Boats? American University Law Review, Vol. 62, Iss. 5, a law review article addressing the ability of small businesses and new entrants into the government contracting industry to comply with increasing cybersecurity and information security requirements
- Attended Georgetown University Law Center, where he was the Notes Editor of the GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY; began his legal career as a law clerk to the Honorable George W. Miller at the United States Court of Federal Claims
- Member of the American Bar Association’s Section of Public Contract Law’s Committee on Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection; certified by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) as an Information Privacy Professional/Government
- Can be contacted at 202-344-4826 or [email protected]
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