Develop skills necessary to effectively navigate through a collection call while remaining professional and compliant.
Asking for payment on a past-due balance is the easy part. The difficulty arises when the consumer does not readily agree to pay. Most consumers want to pay, but they are not sure how to get out of the situation they now find themselves in. Consumers become overwhelmed by circumstances and will shut down when they cannot see a solution for something that, in most cases, is out of their control. Debt collectors wear many hats, the most important of which is a problem solver. How we listen and respond to excuses can make the difference between effectively collecting payment and not. Knowledge is power, and this topic will help collectors and their managers develop the skills necessary to identify the excuses and how to overcome them. Understanding call scripts and how and when to adjust will help avoid unnecessary complaints and maintain positive cash flow for your business. You will take away responses to the more common excuses you hear daily and how to effectively handle even the most difficult of calls.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
Telephone Call Scripts
- Importance of Call Scripts
- Active Listening and Adjusting
- Consistency
The Collection Call
- Ask for Payment
- Using Active Listening Skills
- Gathering Information, What Are They Really Saying
- Closing the Call for Success
How to Respond to Excuses
- Common Excuses
- How to Respond
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Why Lorman?
Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on March 20, 2023.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Mark Kesterson
Midwest Service Bureau, Inc.
- Collection manager for Midwest Service Bureau, Inc.
- Started on the collection floor as a collector and rapidly became one of the top collectors in company history
- Regularly trains and updates Midwest Service Bureau employees when new laws or policies are implemented
- Attends national webinars regarding collections and collection practices monthly and has attended ACA International seminars
- Active member of several local and nationally known associations, including Kansas Hospital Association (KHA), Kansas Association of Healthcare Patient Access and Account Managers (KAHPAM), The Oklahoma Credit Union Collectors Association (OCUCA), and the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals (ACA International)
- Gained the designation of Professional Collection Specialist through ACA International
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 800-362-027, ext. 203
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