Identify indicators of tax fraud/evasion and abusive tax schemes to protect your employers, your clients, and yourself.
There is nothing improper about tax planning to minimize ones tax liability. However, sometimes ones actions cross the line into tax fraud/evasion. This topic helps those responsible for tax and financial reporting to understand how to identify indicators of tax fraud/evasion and abusive tax schemes so that they can better protect their employers, their clients, and themselves.
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to identify the characteristics of tax avoidance
- You will be able to identify the characteristics of tax evasion
- You will be able to identify penalties for tax fraud
- You will be able to identify the responsibilities of the Tax Preparer
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Tax Avoidance vs. Tax Fraud/Evasion
- Definitions
- Adviser's Role
- Identifying Indicators of Fraud
- Role of Fraud Technical Advisers
- Penalty Ramifications
Abusive Tax Shelters and Transactions
- Listed Transactions/Transactions of Interest
- Penalty Issues
- Economic Substance
- Promoter
- Material Adviser
- Parallel Proceedings
Current Areas of DOJ/IRS Focus
- Offshore Tax Evasion
- Employment Taxes
- Return Preparers
- Skimming
- Cryptocurrency
- Captive Insurance
- Conservation Easements
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last reviewed on August 20, 2024.
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CPE/NASBA - QAS Self Study 2.8 including Taxes 2.8
- Noggin Guru, Inc. dba Lorman Education Services and BankersHub is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a QAS Self Study sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at 866-352-9539. CPE Credit: Maximum Credit Hours: 2.8 each session (based on a 50 minute credit hour). You must attend at least 50 minutes to obtain credit. Field of Study: Taxes for 2.8 hours. Prerequisite: basic knowledge of taxation. Level of Knowledge: Intermediate. Teaching Method: Seminar/Lecture. Advance Preparation: None. Delivery Method: QAS Self Study. Please refer to the information in this advertisement for outline, course content and objectives. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a certificate of attendance. Final approval of a course for CPE credit belongs with each state's regulatory board.
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Philip Karter
Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry
- Shareholder in the Philadelphia office of Chamberlain Hrdlicka
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of civil tax controversy and litigation
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous civil tax controversy and tax planning topics including The Fundamentals of Investing In Qualified Opportunity Zones, Philadelphia Bar Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 30, 2018 and Witnesses, Whistleblowers and Protecting the Cause, Tax Executives Institute, Chicago, Illinois, May 9, 2017
- Written multiple publications related to the areas of civil tax controversy, including Identifying Exchange-Based Crypto in Bloomberg Tax Management Memorandum and Daily Tax Report, April 10, 2019; Tax Court Taketh Away While Congress Giveth Back, FC&S Legal, May 15, 2018; To Self-Insure or Not to Self-Insure? That is the Question, Captive Insurance Times, April 6, 2018; Captive Investments Scrutinized Following Key Tax Court Ruling, Business Insurance, January 2018; Ready or Not, New Partnership Audit Rules are Coming, Young Upstarts, (2017); What to Do When the IRS Comes Knocking, Corporate Counsel (2017)
- Listed in The Best Lawyers in America® (2018-2020; 2019 - Lawyer of the Year for Litigation and Controversy - Tax for Philadelphia); Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business (2006-2019); The Legal 500 U.S. – Tax Controversy (2007-2018); Outstanding Attorney Award – U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division (1990)
- Member American Bar Association; Pennsylvania Bar Association and Philadelphia Bar Association
- LL.M. degree in taxation, New York University School of Law; J.D. degree, University of Wisconsin School of Law
- Can be contacted at 610-772-2320 or [email protected]

Kevin F. Sweeney
Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry
- Shareholder in the Philadelphia office of Chamberlain Hrdlicka
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of civil and criminal tax controversy and litigation
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous civil and criminal tax controversy topics, including The Block Chain Gang: Criminal Enforcement & Tax Reporting for Cryptocurrencies & ICO Tokens, Federal Bar Association 42nd Annual Tax Law Conference, Washington, D.C., March 8, 2019; Criminal Tax for Accountants: What You Don’t Know May Hurt Your Clients (or You), New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants, Southwest Jersey Chapter Criminal Tax, Voorhees, NJ, January 14, 2019; What Everyone Needs to Know about Cryptocurrency, 35th National Institute on Criminal Tax Fraud Eighth Annual National Institute on Tax Controversy, Las Vegas, NV, December 15, 2018; Hot Topics in Tax and Money Laundering Viewed Through the Lens of United States v. Paul Manafort, Philadelphia, PA, November 16, 2016
- Written multiple publications related to tax controversy, including Specifically Identifying Exchange-Based Crypto: An Old Solution to a New Problem, Bloomberg Tax, April 16, 2019; Keeping a Lid on the Crypt: Protecting Taxpayers’ Fifth Amendment Rights to Not Produce Incriminating Crypto Records, CCH Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure 20-5 issue, February 2019; Don’t Miss the US Tax Compliance Boat – OVDP Ends Sept 2018, Expat Network, Expat Network, September 2018; How to Mount a Tax Defense for Unreported Crypto Income, Coindesk, April 2018; The Tax Risks and Benefits of Offshore Private Placement Insurance, AICPA Practical Tax Strategies, April 2018; What to Do When the IRS Comes Knocking: A To Do List for Facilitating a Smooth and Robust Audit Defense, Corporate Counsel, June 2017
- Listed in The Legal 500 U.S. – Tax Controversy (2017); Outstanding Attorney Award – U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division (2013 & 2015)
- American Bar Association, Taxation Section, Civil and Criminal Tax Penalties Committee; American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section, White-Collar Crime Committee; American Bar Association, International Law, Anti-Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, and Tax Committees
- J.D. degree, cum laude, New York Law School
- Can be contacted at 610-772-2327 or [email protected]
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