What are e-mail subscribers worth? Few companies that send e-mails today can answer that question - yet e-mail subscribers are usually very valuable: from $3.
00 to $240.00 each. In this fascinating talk, expert Arthur Hughes shows how to calculate the value of your subscribers, and how to use that value to grow your profits by acquiring more of them. He explains the off-e-mail multiplier and the development of a subscriber acquisition program based on 36 possible tactics. You will take away valuable methods that you can use to grow your business tomorrow. 5 Reasons to Order •How to calculate the Lifetime Value of your email subscribers •How to calculate your subscriber off-email multiplier •How to create a subscriber acquisition plan based on LTV •Twenty nine tested methods of growing your subscriber base •How to sell your email marketing program to your management
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What Is Lifetime Value? Where to Get the Numbers and How to Put Them Together
The off Email Multiplier: What It Is and How to Compute It
A Subscriber Acquisition Plan: How to Sell It to Your Management Using LTV
Scoring Your Website: How to Do It and Get Needed Changes Made
Subscriber Acquisition Tactics Discussionof 12 Methods
When to Get Started: RIGHT NOW
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This course was last revised on November 1, 2013.
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Arthur Middleton Hughes
The Database Marketing Institute, Ltd.
- One of the best known experts in the field of database and email marketing
- Published nine books on the subject, the most recent being Strategic Database Marketing 4th Edition (McGraw-Hill 2012)
- Has worked with and computed the Subscriber Lifetime Value of many experienced email marketers including: American Airlines, British Airways, Avis-Budget Rent a Car, Publisher’s Clearing House, Dell Computer, Bed Bath and Beyond, Bluefly, CVS, Dockers, Mattel, NFL, Radio Shack, Harrahs, L’Occitane, Miles Kimball, Oakley, OfficeMax, Petco, Sally Beauty, Smart Bargains and Thomas Cook
- His 200 articles published are available on www.dbmarkerting.com
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 954-767-4558
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