Analyzing your sales data can have a positive impact on your sales outcomes when done correctly.
In the past, the analysis of sales data has been limited to measurements of closed sales as compared to the cost of sales resources. But sales is a process. And like any process, it has inputs, an engine, and outcomes. The sales process generates a wide range of data as your salespeople execute activities and achieve milestones with their opportunities. The challenge for the sales executive is to identify the data that matters, and analyze this data in the context of a model that will yield meaningful and actionable improvement. This material will help sales managers and other sales executives understand the context and relationship of key sales process data. Further, this information will guide decision makers in the development of a model for empirically grounding strategic and tactical sales initiatives. Finally, this material will review several best practice metrics and standards for sales process measurements.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
The Why
- If You Don't Know Why You Are Doing (The Sources of Information and Data) What You Are You Can't Successfully Maintain Effective Information Awareness and Understanding
- If You Don't Know Why What Isn't Working Isn't Working, You Can't Fix It, Delete It, Change It, Etc., or If You Don't Know Why It Is Working, You Can't Improve on It
- If the Right People Are Not Involved in the Various Actions or Evaluations in This Approach, It Will Be a Waste of Time, Energy, Effort, and Resources, and Nothing Will Change
The What
- What Stats Do You Need, i.e. Closing Ratio, the Average per Sale Revenue, Sales Cycle Length, Most Common Not Purchase Reasons, Lost Sales Revenue, and Why, Etc.
- What Is the Sales History of Certain Products, Have Some Products/Services Outlived Their Value, What Are the Reasons for Lost Sales, Customers, Lost Market Share Loss/Gain, Competitor Positioning and Your Sales History, Etc.
- What Has Been Your Organization's Traditional Response to Both Sales Gains and Losses and Many of the Negatives or Positives Above, and What Are Your Lost Sales Ratios?
The How
- How Have You Modified Approaches, Pricing, Marketing, Customer Service, Advertising, Etc. Driven by Previous Data or Results Due to the Above What's?
- What Is the Typical Response/Reaction Throughout the Organization to These Changes?
- How Long Do the People Involved in Developing the How's Stay Involved in the Change or Improvement Next Steps or Actions?
The Interpretation
- What Is Your Process or Approach for Interpreting Data, Stats, and Outcomes?
- Who Typically Is Involved in This Process?
- How Long Does the Process Take and Why?
The What to Do Next
- Once You Have Evaluated the Why, the What, the How, and the Interpretation - What Is Your Typical Action, Response?
- When These Changes Have Taken Place Do You Typically Assume, They Will Work or Do You Continue to Repeat the Above Steps or Process to Ensure Effective Change or Improvement?
- Are the Above Steps Your Organization's Current or Typical Approach to Overall Information Gathering, Evaluation, and Interpretation or Do You Do a Less Detailed Process?
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This course was last revised on September 21, 2020.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Tim Connor
Connor Resource Group
- Partner in the office of Connor Resource Group
- Global speaker and trainer and bestselling author of over 80 books
- Over 4,000 engagements in 27 countries
- Earned the prestigious CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation from the National Speakers Association in 1990, held by fewer than 700 people today
- He is a respected and globally sought-after business and career coach, consultant and speaker that facilitates organization strategic planning sessions each year for many clients
- Several of his sales and management books have achieved global bestselling status including Soft Sell, You Call That Selling, Corporate Disconnect and 81 Management Challenges
- Can be contacted at 704-875-1230 or [email protected]
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