More customers are using more channels and with the growth in mobile and other automated channels it's challenging to deliver personalized, targeted messages across channels and over time.
One-size-doesn't-really-fit-anyone marketing based on simplistic "customer-centric" strategies isn't getting it done. Companies need to take what they know about their customers and use it to deliver a truly personalized, 1:1 interaction every time a customer interacts with them, no matter which channel. 5 Reasons to Order •Best practices in responding to customers in real time. •That decision making is central to personalized marketing and customer loyalty. •That operational micro decisions are the key. •How to discover, implement and manage these decisions. •How this approach leverages Big Data and embeds predictive analytic to improve results.
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Challenges in Customer Interaction
- The Importance of Cross-Channel Consistency for Long Term Customer Engagement
- The Increasing Importance of Automated Channels in Customer Engagement
- 1:1 Marketing and the Need to Personalize Each Interaction
- The Challenges of Responding in Real-Time to Customers
Decisions About Customers Matter
- Companies Make Different Kinds of Decisions About Customers From Strategic to Operational
- Operational Decisions About Customers Determine How You Respond to Each Customer Each Time
- Micro Decisions Personalize and Target Interactions and Mark the End of Traditional Campaigns
- Focusing on Operational Decisions Can Recreate the Feel of the Corner Store
Decision Management
- A Proven Approach to Automating and Systematically Improving Customer Decisions
- Begins by Discovering and Modeling Decisions, Especially Operational Decisions
- Uses Proven Technology to Deliver Decision-Making IT Components to Front-Line Systems
- Ensures Continuous Improvement With Decision Analysis, A/B Testing and Experimentation
Big Data and Analytics
- Designing Personalized, Analytic Decisions Requires a Focus on Those Decisions
- Delivering Analytic Decisions Means Moving up the Analytic Curve From BI to Predictive Analytics
- Embedding Analytics in Operational Systems Improves Results and Delivers Them in Real-Time
- A Focus on Operational Decisions Maximizes the Value From Big Data
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on March 17, 2014.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
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James Taylor
Decision Management Solutions
- CEO and a principal consultant of Decision Management Solutions
- Leading expert in how to use business rules and analytic technology to build decision management systems
- Passionate about using decision management systems to help companies improve decision making and develop an agile, analytic and adaptive business
- Provides strategic consulting to companies of all sizes, working with clients in all sectors to adopt decision making technology
- Spent the last 20 years developing approaches, tools, and platforms that others can use to build more effective information systems for leading companies in insurance, banking, health management, manufacturing, travel and telecommunications
- Wrote, “Decision Management Systems: A practical guide to using business rules and predictive analytics” (IBM Press, 2011)
- Previously wrote Smart (Enough) Systems: How to Deliver Competitive Advantage by Automating Hidden Decisions (Prentice Hall) with Neil Raden, and has contributed chapters on decision management to multiple books as well as many articles to magazines
- Previously a vice president at Fair Isaac Corporation where he developed and refined the concept of decision management
- Can be contacted at [email protected]
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