Even though pertussis is a vaccine preventable disease, pertussis is an endemic disease in the United States (CDC, 2012).
According to CDC (2012) in 2010 there were 27,550 reported cases of pertussis, but there are several cases that are not reported. The primary goal during a pertussis outbreak is to decrease morbidity and mortality among infants, with a secondary goal to decrease morbidity for people of all ages (CDC, 2012). Identifying and managing pertussis outbreaks can be very difficult, since respiratory pathogens cause symptoms similar to pertussis. Pseudo outbreaks of pertussis have occurred because of false positive tests with polymerase change reaction (PCR). This OnDemand Webinar is intended to provide you with information on pertussis and prevention of the spread of the disease. The program is intended to assist you in identifying the signs and symptoms specific to pertussis, and preventing outbreaks of pertussis in schools, families, groups, and communities. The OnDemand Webinar will provide methods to identify and mange pertussis outbreaks; as well as, how administration of DTap for infants to 18 years of age and Tdap for 19 - 65+ years of age reduces the chance of acquiring pertussis. This program is critical for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, public health nurses, hospital administrators, and other health care providers to assist with understanding pertussis and prevention of the disease. Learning Objectives: •You will be able to identify signs and symptoms of pertussis. •You will be able to describe key elements in the diagnosis of pertussis. •You will be able to discuss management of pertussis outbreaks. •You will be able to educate others about immunizing against pertussis.
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Identify Signs and Symptoms of Pertussis
- Distinguish Signs and Symptoms of Pertussis From Other Respiratory Diseases
- Identify the Risk Factors of Pertussis
- Summarize Crucial Point for Diagnosing Pertussis
Manage Pertussis Outbreaks
- Summarize Surveillance of Pertussis Outbreaks
- Confirm Bordetella Pertussis Is Cause of Pertussis Outbreak
- Evaluate Methods to Manage and Control Pertussis Outbreaks
Critique the Importance of Immunizing Against Pertussis
- Identify Pertussis Vaccination From Birth - 65+ Schedules
- Critique Importance of Herd Immunity
- Evaluate Research Related to Pertussis Vaccinations
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on January 23, 2013.
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Margie B. Washnok, APRN, MS, DNP
Presentation College
Margie Barondeau Washnok APRN, MS, DNP
- Professor at Presentation College in the Department of Nursing and teach community health nursing (developed the course for the BSN program)
- Teaches online CHN courses for RN-BSN & RN-BSN students at Walden University
- Dissertation mentor and team member for Ph.D. students at University of Phoenix Online
- Teaches Red Cross Health Care Response course to all nursing students at Presentation College and beginning to teach the course for all nurses in eastern South Dakota
- Experiences include working as a community health nurse and providing immunizations for birth - 65+ years of age, as well as providing education to the families and community about the need for immunizations
- Certified as a clinical nurse specialist in community health through American Nurses Association and South Dakota Nurses Association
- Selected 2012 Nursing Educator of the Year by South Dakota State Nurses Association
- A National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission Site Visitor and Site Visitor Team Chair
- Attended CDC immunization conferences, including the 2012 first online conference
- B.A.N. degree, Jamestown College, Jamestown, North Dakota; M.S. degree with major in nursing, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas, and doctorate in nursing practice, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing in Cleveland, Ohio
- Can be contacted at [email protected] (work), [email protected] (home) or 605-229-8478 (office)
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