The New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) program has become a key financing tool for economic development and neighborhood revitalization, enabling organizations to bring low-cost sources of capital into distressed communities.
Nonprofit organizations are uniquely situated to take advantage of the NMTC program to fund their business and real estate development. As such, NTMCs have been used by nonprofit organizations as diverse as hospitals, charter schools, health centers, theaters, municipalities and community development corporations. This OnDemand Webinar will introduce nonprofit organizations to the NMTC program beginning with a brief overview of the program requirements and typical transaction structures. This program will explore what types of businesses/projects will qualify for NMTCs and how to find an allocation of NMTCs from a community development entity. In addition, we will focus on issues specific to nonprofit organizations, including discussions of the risks and rewards of using the NMTC program for a nonprofit, educating a board of directors about the NMTC program, and combining the NMTC program with other grants and capital sources. Throughout the program we will include recent real world examples of nonprofit organizations that have used NMTCs to meet their capital needs and create significant community and economic impact in distressed areas.
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An Introduction to the New Markets Tax Credit Program
- Understanding the ABCs of the NMTC Program
- Learning the Vocabulary: What Is a QALICB, a CDE, and a QLICI?
Can My Organization or Project Use NMTCs?
- How Does My Organization Become a Qualified Business?
- How Do I Find a Source of NMTC Allocation?
Understanding NMTC Transactions Structures
- How Can I Turn NMTCs Into Capital?
- Using the Leverage Model to Maximize NMTC Benefits
- Example of a Recent NMTC Transaction
NMTCs and Nonprofit Organizations
- Discussion of the Risks and Rewards of NMTC Transactions
- Recapture of NMTCs
- Exiting a NMTC Transaction
- State Tax Issues: Potential Trap for the Unwary
Practical Advice for Nonprofit Entities
- Educating Your Board of Directors
- Dealing With NMTC Complexity
- How Do I Get Started?
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on April 17, 2013.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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David Kleiber, MBA
Capitol Link
- Project consultant at Capital Link in the Washington State office
- Has performed numerous feasibility analyses, market assessments, financial projections and business plans for community health centers across the country
- Work has also included developing a business plan model for the acquisition and implementation of an electronic health record by a community health center
- Plays a key role in Capital Link’s New Markets Tax Credit program which includes consulting with health centers seeking to use this type of financing and assisting in managing Capital Link’s own tax credit allocation
- Prior to Capital Link, he held various positions at Cascadia Revolving Fund, a community development financial institution based in the Pacific Northwest
- Board president of Whatcom Counseling and Psychiatric Clinic in Bellingham, Washington, the county’s community mental health provider

Daniel J. Kolodner
Klein Hornig LLP
- Partner in Klein Hornig LLP’s Boston, Massachusetts office
- Concentrates his practice on community development finance, specifically the use of tax incentives as means for financing community revitalization projects, with a focus on new markets tax credits and historic tax credits
- Extensive experience in structuring transactions involving the use of new markets tax credits, historic tax credits and low income housing tax credits, as well as associated state tax credits
- Practice focuses on assisting developers and tax-exempt entities, such as health centers, charter schools and theatres, in taking advantage of new markets tax credits and historic tax credits
- Frequently speaks at national and local conferences on the topic of historic tax credits and new market tax credits, as well as other federal, state and local tax incentives
- Recent guest lecturer on new markets tax credits and historic tax credits at the MIT Center for Real Estate in Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Can be contacted at 617-224-0617 or [email protected]
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