Gain a better understanding of legalities nonprofits face regarding copyright issues and risk of infringement for using copyrighted materials.
All companies, including nonprofits, are subject to copyright protections afforded to authors of expressive works. Indeed, the law begs many questions that a nonprofit must regularly consider in its day-to-day activities: Do you own the rights in the materials created for you and your marketing materials (including your website)? Are you using materials of third parties? Do you need permissions to do so, or is such use fair use under the copyright law? This topic will explain the types of intellectual property you likely deal with as a nonprofit, specifically focusing on copyright issues to make sure the company owns the rights it intends to own and that it is using materials properly - including recognizing when permission is required to use third-party materials and the risks associated with use of such materials.
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Types of Intellectual Property
- Trademarks
- Copyrights
- Patents
- Ownership
- Licensing
- Protection
Fair Use
- The Copyright Act
- The Court Decisions
- The Balancing Act
- The Risks
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on March 11, 2021.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
- CA MCLE 1.5
- Lorman Education Services is a State Bar of California approved MCLE sponsor and this course qualifies for 1.5 CLE hours of participatory credit.
To earn each credit Lorman offers through the OnDemand learning platform, you need to watch 100% of the program. Also, for certain credits you will need to fulfill additional requirements which will be displayed on the "credits" tab when viewing the course.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Nate Garhart
Farella Braun + Martel LLP
- Special Counsel with Farella Braun + Martel LLP
- Practice centers on protecting and maximizing the value of various forms of intellectual property, which often represent important assets and major revenue sources for organizations ranging from startups to public companies and nonprofits
- His work spans the gamut from selecting and registering trademarks, to protecting and enforcing copyrights, to strategic negotiation of licenses of all kinds
- Also works with clients to minimize the legal risks related to their branding, advertising, and publicity strategies
- Online, he counsels clients on internet issues and e-commerce topics, drafts website terms of use and privacy policies helping clients comply with Europe’s GDPR and California’s CCPA and recently-passed CPRA, and reviews customer communications for compliance with current laws
- Author of several publications related to the areas of trademarks, copyrights and online privacy
- Member of the State Bars of California and New York
- J.D. degree, cum laude, Duke University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina; B.A. degree, with honors, University of Pittsburgh
- Can be contacted at 415-954-4425 or [email protected]
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