Are you offering personal financial planning? Make sure you are up to speed on the newly released standards.
The increased demand and projected growth of personal financial planning services in areas such as estate, retirement, risk management and investments have brought the accounting profession to an important crossroad. To adapt to an evolving profession and regulatory landscape, in addition to the existing regulatory framework for CPAs, the AICPA is promulgating the Statement on Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services (the Statement). Members practicing in cash flow planning, risk management and insurance planning, retirement planning, investment planning, estate/gift/wealth transfer planning, elder planning, charitable planning, education planning, or tax planning should understand whether the Statement applies to them and how they can use the Statement to protect their clients and their practice.
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Personal Financial Planning Landscape
- Why PFP?
- How the Statement Will Help Elevate Your Practice
The Nature and Objective of the Statement
When and to Whom It Applies
In-Depth Explanation of the Requirements, Including Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Responsibilities of Members in PFP Engagements
- Planning the Engagement
- Obtaining and Analyzing Information
- Developing and Communicating Recommendations
- Working With Other Service Providers
How to Apply the Statement in Your Engagements With Clients
Using the Compliance Toolkit to Implement the Statement in Your Firm
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This course was last revised on September 17, 2014.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Christine A. Romsdahl, CPA/PFS, CFP®
Christine A. Romsdahl, CPA/PFS
- Owner of Christine A. Romsdahl, CPA/PFS since 2003
- Part-time presenter of financial planning workshops for large employee groups, Ernst & Young
- 12 years of work experience in personal financial counseling groups of public accounting firms, including Ernst & Young, and Deloitte, and 1.5 years with an executive compensation consulting group at Hewitt/Aon
- Certified Public Accountant/Personal Financial Specialist
- Certified Financial Planner
- Member, AICPA (PFP Division) and Texas Society of CPA; AICPA Personal Financial Planning Division Executive Committee; Houston CPA Society, Finance Committee (2012 – present) and past board member (2005 – 2007) and member and past chair, Financial Literacy & Financial Planning Committees
- M.B.A. degree, The University of Texas at Austin
- B.A. degree, Rice University
- Can be contacted at 713-429-0414 or [email protected]
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