Understanding federal lobby reporting, documenting, and disclosures will help your practice stay informed and compliant.
Every federal lobbyist is required to file lobbying disclosure reports, but do not understand what exactly to report and what data to collect. Moreover, the Government Affairs Office often does not have insight into lobbying activity that other parts of the company may be engaged in. How do you gather all of this information from your lobbyists and from disparate parts of the company so that you are properly reporting the company's lobbying activities and reportable expenditures under the Lobbying Disclosure Act. This topic helps the person assigned the unenviable task of reporting under the Lobbying Disclosure Act. You will be able to put together a survey that suits the needs and culture of your company, while at the same time complying with the reporting requirements. You will gain insight into who, within the company, might have the information that you are looking for and how to gather that information. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) audits are random, so this information allows employers to prepare for that inevitable audit and enables the company to feel secure in what it is reporting.
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Federal Lobbying Law - a Refresher
- Registration
- Quarterly Reports
- Semiannual Certifications and Reports
Capturing the Data Required to File Quarterly Lobbying Reports
- What Issues Must Be Disclosed
- How Do You Calculate What the Company Spent on Lobbying?
- Internal Costs of Lobbying
- External Costs of Lobbying
Capturing the Data Required for Semi-Annual Lobbying Reports
- Reporting Political Contributions
- Reporting Other Expenditures in Connection With Covered Legislative and Executive Branch Personnel
- Obtaining Certifications of Compliance
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on June 24, 2019.
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Carol A. Laham
Wiley Rein LLP
- Partner in the office of Wiley Rein LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of political law, including campaign finance, lobbying, and government ethics
- Conducts regular seminars and training on the Lobbying Disclosure Act on a regular basis
- Author of several publications related to the areas of federal and state lobbying, campaign finance and government ethics
- Member of the American Bar Association, the Council on Government Ethics Laws, the State Government Affairs Council, and Women in Government Relations
- J.D. degree, New York University School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 202-719-7301
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