Learn about the unique challenges and opportunities with mixed-use developments.
Mixed-use developments are one of the most prominent types of real estate projects in the United States, whether in urban infill locations, suburban towns, or greenfield sites. Mixed-use developments present exciting opportunities to revitalize underutilized sites and create vibrant communities. They also present unique land use, entitlement, environmental, financing, and other challenges. This topic provides tools and strategies for understanding and planning successful mixed-use developments in diverse contexts.
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Site Planning
- Land Use Considerations and Entitlement Processing (e.g. General Plans, Zoning and Planned Unit Developments)
- Preliminary/Final Plans
- Range of Uses
- Phasing
- Schedule Milestones
- Development Standards
- Parking
- Parcel Mapping
- Horizontal and Vertical Subdivisions
- Condominiums
- Infrastructure Improvements
- Transportation
- Hazardous Materials
- Stormwater Treatment
- Greenhouse Gas
- Historic Resources
Public and Private Agreements
- Development Agreements
- Affordable Housing Agreements
- Property Exchange Agreements
- Improvement Agreements
- Reciprocal Easement Agreements
- CCandRs
Hot Topics and Trends
- Transportation Demand Management
- Community Uses and Early Site Activation
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on July 27, 2016.
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This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Paula C. Kirlin
Holland & Knight LLP
- Partner in the San Francisco office of Holland & Knight, LLP
- Practices in the areas of government and public law, land use, environment, and sustainable development; routinely advises clients on all aspects of the development process in California, including due diligence, entitlements, permitting, and compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act; focuses on complex urban, mixed-use and transit-oriented development projects, including high-profile mixed-use projects on the San Francisco Bay waterfront, urban multi-family mixed-use developments, and major commercial, office, and tech/R&D projects throughout the Bay Area and Silicon Valley.
- Regular speaker and author of publications on mixed-use developments and other environmental and land use regulatory topics
- Member of SPUR San Jose Policy Board
- J.D. degree, DePaul University College of Law; M.A. degree, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey; B.A. degree, DePauw University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 415-743-6942

Chelsea MacLean
Holland & Knight LLP
- Partner in the San Francisco office of Holland & Knight, LLP
- Practice emphasizes counseling clients on all aspects of regulatory compliance under federal and state environmental laws; conducting due diligence of potential development projects with regard to land use restrictions, permits and entitlement requirements; managing the entitlement process to obtain land use entitlements and other permits; drafting and negotiating transactional agreements between developers, municipal agencies and other third parties; representing clients in litigation arising out of land use and environmental issues; and advocating for clients in the enactment and amendment of state and local land use statutes and regulations
- Conducts regular seminars and writes publications related to the case law under the California Environmental Quality Act, affordable housing law, climate change regulations, redevelopment legislation, due diligence and other topics related to urban and infill projects
- Acted as adjunct professor at University of California, Hastings College of the Law on “Local Government Problems” and “Land Use Regulations”
- Urban Land Institute member, chair of the San Francisco “Lunch and Learn” series
- J.D. degree, University of California Hastings College of Law; B.A. degree, University of California, San Diego
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 415.743.6979
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