Gain an understanding of Form 10-K and what is required to complete it.
The annual report on Form 10-K is the major disclosure report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by publicly-traded companies. Whether you read Form 10-K reports or write them, the Form 10-K report is one of the most significant documents that a publicly-traded company issues. For the investor, Form 10-K is a snapshot of the company at a particular point in time. For the writer, Form 10-K is an opportunity to protect the company from lawsuits and enforcement actions. This course helps those who prepare Form 10-K and investors who read Form 10-K to know what Form 10-K mandates, how to read a Form 10-K, and how to include good disclosure, which will head off future liability.
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- The Integrated Disclosure System
The Parts of the Form 10-K Report
- The Cover Page
- Items 1 Through 7A: Narrative Disclosure
- Items 8 Through 9A: The Financial Report
- Items 10 Through 14: Corporate Governance
- Item 15: Exhibits
Principles of Good Disclosure
- Plain English
- Forward-Looking Statements
- Trends and Uncertainties
Examples of Liability
- SEC Actions and Private Lawsuits
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on March 21, 2022.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Christopher J. Bonner, Esq.
Barclay Damon LLP
- Special Counsel to Barclay Damon LLP
- Practicing law in securities and transactional matters since 1980
- Advises public and private companies on securities and transactional matters and SEC compliance, including bank regulation at the corporate level, and securities compliance in municipal finance
- Frequent speaker on Sarbanes-Oxley, general securities law, and mergers and acquisitions
- Member, American Bar Association, Business Law Section and Tax Section
- Member, New York State Bar Association, Committee on Corporate Counsel, Committee on Tax, and Committee on Business Law
- J.D. Degree, Harvard Law School
- Can be contacted at (315) 425-2708 or [email protected]
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