Understand frequently encountered hazardous materials in building and how best to deal with any immediate exposure issues.
A common misconception from the public is that building materials cannot contain hazardous materials. Many people are familiar with the hazards associated with asbestos and lead containing building materials. However, most do not realize that there are a number of hazards materials being used in current construction. Exposure to these can create immediate health concerns to the occupants along with considerable liability for the owner. Determining the type, location and quantity of these hazards inside a building before they create an exposure issue to the occupants requires a basic working knowledge of how to at least recognize the presence of suspected hazardous materials. Learn key information that can help you understand the basics for assembling a team of experts once suspect hazardous materials are identified to properly conduct the contamination identification with a cost-effective sampling plan, conduct a risk assessment, design a control plan to deal with any immediate exposure issues and, if necessary, how to execute a cost effective regulatory compliant remediation plan.
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to define the process involved in characterizing a contamination release, controlling the release, and establishing a site-specific scope of work to clean up and remediate the release.
- You will be able to identify how to organize a site-specific sampling plan of suspect materials to confirm if the site contains hazardous building materials.
- You will be able to recognize when to respond to occupant complaints, when to investigate suspect building material and recognize potential risk of exposure to occupants and liability to the owner.
- You will be able to discuss investigating site with suspect hazardous building materials in order to control exposures, owner liability and establish a plan for maintenance or removal of the material.
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Phase I - Occupant Complaints (Immediate Priority)
- Review History of Previous Occupant Complaints
- Interview Current Occupants With Complaints
- Review Previous General Environmental or Sampling Reports
- Compile Comprehensive Report of Findings
- Recommend Resolution Path
- With No Further Action (With Occupant Complaint This Is Unlikely)
- With Further Action (See Phase II)
Phase II - Site Evaluation by Experienced Environmental Professional (With Occupant Compliant or for Proactive Owner Protection)
- Preliminary Site Visit and Visual Inspection
- Identify Possible Hazardous Substances (e.g., Silica, Asbestos, Lead, Volatile Compounds)
- Recommend Sampling of Suspect Materials Linked to Occupant Complaint
- Specific Area (Limited)
- Recommend Physical Inventory and Sampling of All Suspect Materials
- Total Building (Comprehensive)
Phase III - Assemble a Professional Sampling Team for Suspect Materials
- Certified Asbestos Inspector
- Certified Lead Inspector, Risk Assessor and Project Designer
- Experienced Industrial Hygienist
Phase IV - Site Sampling and Characterization (Experienced Environmental Professional)
- Develop an Appropriate Sampling Plan
- Review Previous Laboratory Results
- Prepare Appropriate CostEffective Sampling Plan
- Conduct Limited or Comprehensive Sampling
- Review Laboratory Sampling Data
- Compare Any Positive Results With Applicable Regulatory Guidelines
- Conduct a Comprehensive Risk Assessment Based on Positive Results
- Establish Immediate Plan of Action Based on Risk Assessment to Control Ongoing Exposure
- Prepare Detailed Report of Findings With Recommended Further Action
- Notification to Occupants
Phase V - Site Remediation Action Plan (Experienced Environmental Professional)
- Establish Specific Remediation Plan of Action (Based on Laboratory Results)
- Identification of the Site-Specific Scope of Work Based on Current or Prior Investigation Results
- Review Recommended Scope of Work With Owner
- Establish Projected Project Budget and Timeline
- Development of a Site-Specific, Site Safety and Health Plan
- Prepare a Written Site-Specific Scope of Work for Remediation Contractor Bidding
- Identify List of Qualified Contractors (Experience, Work Force, Insurability, Financial Resources Available)
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on March 17, 2021.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
Ryan Kuhn, Ph.D., CIH
Dominion Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Dr. Ryan Kuhn, Ph.D., CIH
- Principal, vice president of Dominion Environmental Consultants, Inc.
- Practice emphasis on all aspects of industrial hygiene
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on various aspects of industrial hygiene
- Author of several publications related to mold and microbiology
- Provides document review, deposition, and expert witness testimony for litigation support
- Ph.D. degree, New Mexico State University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 623-516-1415
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