The National Environmental Policy Act requires federal agencies to prepare environmental impact statements whenever they propose to carry out, approve, or fund proposed actions that would significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
EISs are typically prepared for some of the most important and complex actions undertaken by federal agencies. Yet, many people involved in the NEPA process do not fully understand the criteria that trigger the preparation of an EIS or the process for preparing them. This on-demand webinar will explain the role of the EIS in NEPA implementation, the different types of EISs and the process for preparing them. It will also cover the key content requirements of an EIS and how these important documents are used in federal decision making. This on-demand webinar is particularly relevant for federal agency staff, consultants who prepare NEPA documents, attorneys, and interest groups involved in the NEPA process. Learning Objectives: •You will be able to discuss the role of environmental impact statements in the NEPA process. •You will be able to identify when an EIS must be prepared. •You will be able to review the key steps in preparing an EIS. •You will be able to describe the different types of EISs.
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The Role of Environmental Impact Statements in the NEPA Process
- Overview of NEPA
- When Must an EIS Be Prepared - Legal Standard
- Definition of Significantly
Types of EIS
- Project-Level EISs
- Programmatic EISs
- Tiering as a Streamlining Tool
EIS Preparation
- Key Steps in EIS Preparation
- Scoping, Public Review, and Inter-Agency Coordination
- Draft and Final Documents
EIS Contents
- Purpose and Need
- Proposed Action
- Alternatives
- Environmental Consequences: Direct, Indirect, Cumulative
- Mitigation Measures
Use of EIS in Agency Decision Making
- Consideration of Information in EIS
- Record of Decision
- Monitoring and Follow-Up
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on November 20, 2013.
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No Credit AvailableThis program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Ronald Bass
ICF International
Ronald Bass, J.D., AICP
- Senior consultant with ICF International, a firm focusing on environmental planning and natural resource management
- Professional and academic background in environmental law and planning, and is considered an expert on NEPA and CEQA related topics
- Participates in a broad variety of planning and environmental studies under NEPA, CEQA and other state environmental policy acts
- Written numerous articles about the practical implementation of NEPA and other planning topics
- Serves on the editorial board of the California Environmental Law Reporter and writes commentaries on NEPA developments and court decisions
- Frequent speaker at professional workshops on environmental impact assessment and land use planning
- J.D. degree, American University Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C.; M.A. degree in environmental planning, California State University, Sacramento; B.A. degree in anthropology, The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio
- Can be contacted at 541-488-5767 or [email protected]

Antero "Terry" Rivasplata, AICP
ICF International
- Senior environmental planner with ICF International, a consulting firm focusing on environmental planning and natural resource management based in Sacramento
- Practice focused in CEQA compliance and general plan preparation
- Prior to joining ICF International worked with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research from 1985 to 1998, including a stint as the chief of the state clearinghouse
- Worked on a variety of projects, including a review of county general plan consistency for Mariposa County; EIRs for general plan updates in Davis, Fairfield, Inyo County, and Union City; environmental documents for schools in Dixon, Livermore and Watsonville, and redevelopment projects in the cities of San Jose and Watsonville; NEPA documents for federal and local agencies; and the city of Modesto’s Master EIR update; and is editor of the “Environmental Assessor” for the Association of Environmental Professionals
- Involved in drafting the 1998, 1997, and 1994 revisions to the CEQA Guidelines
- B.S. degree in environmental planning and management, University of California, Davis
- Can be contacted at 916-737-3000 or [email protected]
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