Be aware of your obligations when an employee is involved in a domestic violence situation.
Family abuse and violence is a subject that is not easily addressed because many people deny its existence and magnitude. Employers have trouble facing the possibility of having to deal with the serious effects it has on their employees personally and professionally, and that the organization pays the price; at the same time they must ensure state and federal compliance. When considering workplace impact and the consequences to our communities, this issue cannot be overlooked. This ondemand webinar illustrates costs to business - spanning from lost productivity to devastating lawsuits and provides guidance to organizations, of all sizes, to understand laws which make our workplaces safe, supportive and sought-after, and the empowerment to put it all into action.
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Why Lorman?
Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
Who Is Affected? - The Scope of the Problem
- Sharp Pencil to Paper - a Realistic Look at Costs Associated to DV
- Previous Litigation and Case Studies
- State and Federal Compliance/DV Laws
- Negligent Retention and Negligent Hiring
Who Does This?
- Myths (Or Common Beliefs) and Theories of Batterers
- Myths (Or Common Beliefs) and Facts of Victims
- Cues and Indicators
- Referral Sources
How You Respond
- Answers to FAQs and the "Fear Factor"
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Relationship to Your Organization
- Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment
- Policies and Procedures
- Workplace Violence Prevention (WVP) Program
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Why Lorman?
Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on July 8, 2015.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Why Lorman?
Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Stephanie Angelo, SPHR, SCP
Human Resource Essential
- Subject matter expert in domestic violence's effects on the workplace; set a new standard for working with business leaders who are often not aware of the deep costs their company is experiencing as a result of this social issue
- Award-winning expert, and ensures clients receive practical ideas and skills which immediately inspire them, increase their ability to address this workplace issue, and ensure state and federal compliance
- Presents on a national level to organizations and conferences, primarily to executives and human resource professionals
- Written, or been interviewed for, numerous articles, such as the Arizona Republic and Phoenix Business Journal and has been interviewed on every major news channel in Phoenix
- Professional member of the National Speakers Association; member of Society for Human Resource Management
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Why Lorman?
Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

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