Learn about types of detention facilities, typical applications, and technical disciplines commonly involved with facility planning and design.
This topic will provide you with a broad understanding of the state of the practice of urban stormwater detention facilities. The material will cover planning, permitting, master planning, modelling, design, construction observation, maintenance/monitoring and aspects of detention from the standpoint of helping public and private sector entities to address both stormwater quantity concerns (traditional drainage and flood control) and stormwater quality issues (e.g. reduction in pollutant concentrations and promotion of downstream channel stability). This topic will be useful and practical for public works department staff, federal, state, and local government staff, consulting engineers, land planning/landscape architecture professionals, and other water resources professionals.
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to describe hydrologic analysis including multi-frequency design basis, and overview of models that can be used including representative simple application.
- You will be able to identify the nature of outlet structures necessary to achieve specified hydrologic control, including management of water quality capture volume.
- You will be able to recognize types of detention facilities, typical applications and components, and technical disciplines commonly involved with facility planning and design.
- You will be able to discuss water quality benefits of detention including performance data.
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Introduction, History and Overview of Stormwater Detention Facilities
Types of Detention Facilities, Typical Applications and Components, and Technical Disciplines Commonly Involved With Facility Planning and Design
Planning and Siting Considerations, Including Retrofitting of Existing Facilities
Hydrologic Analysis Including Multi-Frequency Design Basis, and Overview of Models That Can Be Used Including Representative Simple Application
Nature of Outlet Structures Necessary to Achieve Specified Hydrologic Control, Including Management of Water Quality Capture Volume
Alternative Design Criteria From Local Governments Around the Us
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Detention on a Local and Watershed Scale
Common Criticisms of Detention, and How to Address Them
Water Quality Benefits of Detention Including Performance Data
Regulatory Requirements and Permitting
Dam Safety
Maintenance and Monitoring
Considerations During Construction
Public Safety
Mosquito Management
Appearance and How Facilities Can Be Viewed as Community Amenities Rather Than Nuisances
Potential Liability Issues
How to Obtain Additional Information
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on January 21, 2021.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Jon Jones
Wright Water Engineers Inc
Jonathan Jones, P.E., P.H., D.WRE.
- Registered professional engineer in 19 states
- Has worked throughout the United States on urban stormwater projects, including stormwater detention ponds, providing technical oversight and expert testimony
- Has worked with Wright Water Engineers, Inc. for nearly 40 years and currently serves as the CEO

Katie Knight, E.I.T.
Wright Water Engineers Inc
- Water Resource Engineer at Wright Water Engineers, Inc.
- Specializing in hydrological and hydraulic design and modeling
- Recently completed a thesis on “Assessing the Use of Dual-Drainage Modeling to Determine the Effects of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Networks on Events of Roadway Flooding”
- Has experience with stormwater detention policies from across the United States

Chris Olson, Ph.D., P.E.
Wright Water Engineers Inc
- Sr. Water Resources Engineer at Wright Water Engineers, Inc.
- Over 16 years of experience in hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality modeling; stormwater design and water resource planning
- Has taught dozens of stormwater management courses for organizations such as ASCE, the Colorado Stormwater Center, Urban Watersheds Research Institute, Army Corps of Engineers and Colorado State University Civil Engineering Department
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