Understand the importance of comprehensive plans as both guides and directives to land use.
Comprehensive plans along with zoning and development regulations form the bases for land use decisions. Before there can be thoughtful land use decisions there has to be a plan. The implementation of the plan has a direct bearing on the development regulations and the land use decisions in a community. This information will cover the different levels of comprehensive planning, the topics covered in comprehensive plans and most important their implementation and impact on land use decisions. Gain an appreciation for the importance of comprehensive plans as both guides and directives to land use, the relationships among master plans, zoning and development, and why a successful land use practice needs to begin with an understanding of the relevant comprehensive plan or plans.
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to discuss what a comprehensive plan is.
- You will be able to identify current conditions and visions.
- You will be able to review the development of a comprehensive plan.
- You will be able to describe the relationship of comprehensive plan to zoning.
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What Is a Comprehensive Plan?
- What Is It Intended to Do?
- What Are Its Antecedents?
- Time Horizons
- Distinctions Among Jurisdictions
- Distinctions From a Community or Special Topic Plan
- Examples of Master Plan Contents
Current Conditions and Visions
- Visions
- Assessment of Current Issues
- Prognostications
- Implementation
Development of a Comprehensive Plan
- Internal Input From Agencies
- External Community Outreach
- Timeline for Creation and Adoption
Relationship of Comprehensive Plan to Development
- Allocation of Government Resources
- Community Pressures
- Visions
- Impact of Comprehensive Plan on Development Issues
- Development Not Compliant With Master Plan
Relationship of Comprehensive Plan to Zoning
- Land Use Following Plan
Updating and Revising a Comprehensive Plan
- How Often
- Impact on Land Use
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on March 22, 2019.
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John B. Gontrum
Whiteford Taylor Preston LLP
- Partner in the Real Estate Section in the Towson office of Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP
- Over 35 years of experience representing industrial, commercial and residential developers, businesses, institutions and individuals on a wide variety of land use, zoning and development issues
- Ranked by Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business in the area of real estate: land use, and by The Best Lawyers in America® in the area of land use and zoning law
- Fellow, Maryland State Bar Foundation; board member, Baltimore County Bar Foundation; member, MBIA Land Development Council; past president, Baltimore County Bar Association
- J.D. degree, Duke University School of Law; B.A. degree, Duke University
- Can be contacted at 410-832-2055 or [email protected]
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