On September 27, 2013, California Governor Brown signed into law amendments to the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA), a 2004 law requiring all commercial websites and online service providers collecting personally identifiable information about California residents to conspicuously post a privacy policy.
One of the amendments to CalOPPA, which took effect on January 1, 2014, requires a website operator to explain how the website responds to Do Not Track signals from web browsers. This on-demand webinar will offer a detailed description of California's new Do Not Track disclosure requirements and recommendations for how to comply.
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Overview of Do Not Track
- Online Tracking
- Web Browsers and Do Not Track Signals
Privacy and Transparency: Overview of Amended Section 22575 of the California Business and Professions Code
- Legislative History - In Brief
- Privacy Policy Requirement (§22575 (a) - (b)(4))
- Do Not Track Disclosure Requirement (§22575(b)(5))
- Third-Party Tracking Disclosure Requirement (§22575(b)(6))
- Compliance Safe Harbor (§22575(b)(7))
- Interplay With DAA's SelfRegulatory Framework
Compliance With the New Do Not Track Disclosure Requirements
- Which Businesses and Websites Must Comply
- California Attorney General's Best Practice Recommendations
- Review of Sample Disclosures for Privacy Policies
- Related California Laws
Enforcement of Section 22575 of the California Business and Professions Code
- By California's Attorney General
- By Private Parties
- Notice and Opportunity to Correct (§22575(a))
Summary and Looking Ahead
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on February 25, 2014.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
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Heather Egan
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Heather Sussman
- Partner in the Boston office of McDermott Will & Emery LLP
- Practice focuses on data privacy and information security and she serves as Co-Chair of McDermott’s Global Privacy and Data Protection Affinity Group
- Guides clients through the existing patchwork of U.S. federal and state data privacy laws, including breach notification and information security laws
- Represents clients during investigations by regulatory authorities in connection with data security breaches and complaints regarding privacy and security practices
- Also has an active employment law practice
- Companies rely on her to manage their response to catastrophes, investigations and government probes involving conduct by employees, contractors and third parties
- Is a Certified Information Privacy Professional
- Can be contacted at 617-535-4177 or [email protected]

Julia B. Jacobson
Squire Patton Boggs LLP
- Counsels clients on privacy and cybersecurity issues associated with vendor management and contracting, business sales, combinations and acquisitions, and machine learning/artificial intelligence
- Significant experience assisting clients in negotiating and drafting technology-centric agreements and developing template master services, licensing, terms of service, and similar agreements
- Frequent speaker and author on privacy and cybersecurity compliance and data ethics
- Certified by the International Association of Privacy Professionals as a Certified Information Privacy Practitioner (CIPP-US), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) and Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP)
- Boston University School of Law, LL.M. degree; Boston University School of Law, J.D. degree; University of Michigan, B.A. degree
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or https://www.arentfox.com/attorneys/julia-jacobson
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