Gain an understanding of the different spending accounts and which one is compliant and best for your organization.
Consumer Directed Health Care plans are becoming more prevalent in the group health care market, spreading into the individual health care market as well. Over the past few years there have been several variations of spending accounts that can be made available to an employer's employee group. The rules and types of plans can quickly become confusing and wrong decisions made unless there is an understanding of the types of spending accounts and what can and cannot be implemented. Once that decision is made, communicating the plans to a group of employees can become complex and hard to communicate in a way that is acceptable to a group of employees. The goal of this topic is to help sort through the options and apply them to your organization.
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What Are Consumer Directed Health Plans (CDHP) Beyond Just a High Deductible Group Health Insurance and Maybe an HSA?
- History
- Present
- Future
Why Implement a CDHP?
- Look at the Cost Differences for Different Health Care Services by Health Care Providers in the Same Area
- How Do You Encourage a Participant to Shop for Health Care? Are There Applications to Make It Easy? AI?
- How a Spending Account Can Be Integrated With a Group Health Plan Spending Account
Spending Accounts and Their Differences
- HRAs and the Many Different Types Now Available Within the IRS Code
- HSAs vs. HRAs
- HRAs, FSAs and HSAs - Which Is Best for My Group?
Spending and CDHP Compliance Concerns
- IRS Code
Recommendations and Case Studies
- Why Some Succeed and Others Fail
- Plans That Are Too Complicated
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
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This course was last revised on June 23, 2021.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Holly Kalmer
David K. Young Consulting, LLC
- Operations and accounting at David K. Young Consulting, LLC (DKYC)
- Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA) - ASPPA
- Member of the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialist
- Member of ASPPA
- Over 8 years of retirement plan administration experience
- M.A. degree, University of Delaware; B.A. degree, Baylor University; Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) - Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania & IFEBP

David K. Young, MPA, CEBS
David K. Young Consulting, LLC
- Owner and founder of David K. Young Consulting, LLC (DKYC)
- DKYC has been providing consulting, implementation, and administration of all types of CDHPs since 1992
- Has been communicating and enrolling employees into CDHPs since 1987 when Flexible Spending Accounts first became popular
- Member of International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists; member of SHRM
- B.A. and M.P.A. degrees
- Can be contacted at 210-558-0999 or [email protected]
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