Many financial institutions continue to struggle with the identification and use of key risk indicators to supplement their risk management efforts.
KRIs can serve as a key risk monitoring mechanism if well defined and appropriately monitored. A common pitfall is that many KRIs defined and in use today do not really serve as adequate early warning mechanisms for risk due to many reasons, including failure to appropriately link the metric to the risk being measured, or failure to adequately define the KRI as a forward looking measure of risk, among others. This on-demand webinar will help persons responsible for KRI development and monitoring with some industry insight and perspectives on how KRIs can add value to your organization. The program will also differentiate key performance indicators from key risk indicators and provide guidance on leading practices on KRI development and monitoring. Finally, the OnDemand Webinar will provide insights on helping to ensure appropriate linkage among KRIs, risk appetite, and strategy, as well as other considerations. Learning Objectives: •You will be able to identify key risk indicators. •You will be able to discuss common approaches to KRI development. •You will be able to review pros and cons of KRIs. •You will be able to explain top of the house KRIs - portfolio view.
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Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) - Definition and Benefits
- What Is a KRI vs. a Key Performance Indicator (KRI)?
- Some Key Benefits KRIs Can Provide
KRIs - Development and Approach
- Common Approaches to KRI Development
- Pros and Cons of KRIs
- Defining the Right KRIs Develop and Monitor
KRIs - Linkage to Risk Appetite, Strategy and Other Considerations
- Top of the House KRIs - Portfolio View
- LOB KRIs - Transactional View
- Other Considerations
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on August 1, 2013.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Glenn H. Hursh
- Managing director in the Pittsburgh office of KPMG LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of enterprise risk management
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous enterprise risk management topics
- Co-writer of several ERM newsletters related to the financial services industry
- Certifications: Certified Bank Auditor, Certified Financial Services Auditor, Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager
- M.B.A. degree, University of Pittsburgh; B.S. degree in accounting, Gannon University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 412-232-1589
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