Find out how the Dodd-Frank Act affects the Basel III Accord and how to implement the final rules in your bank.
Following the financial crisis that began in 2008, international banking regulators have been working together to increase the stability and resiliency of the global financial system. The Basel III Accord is a cornerstone of that international initiative. The Basel III Accord, which represents the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's proposals for capital and liquidity requirements for banking institutions, was formally endorsed by the G-20 in November 2010, and the regulatory authorities of member countries are now working to implement these new requirements. The U.S. bank regulatory agencies have implemented significant portions of the Basel III Accord. However, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act contains requirements for regulatory capital that are not completely consistent with the Basel III Accord, and accordingly the final U.S. rules differ from the Basel III Accord in significant ways. This on-demand webinar will provide detailed information about the Basel III Accord and what it means for banks in the United States and elsewhere. The on-demand webinar will also explore some of the key differences between the Basel III Accord and the U.S. implementation thereof. You should come away from this program with a foundational understanding of bank capital regulations and their evolution in the wake of the global financial crisis.
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The Basel Accord
- History of the Basel Accord
- Basel I and Basel II
- Implementation Process
Basel III
- Revised Capital Requirements
- Changing Definition of Regulatory Capital
- Increased Capital Charges for Banking and Trading Book Exposures
- New Liquidity Ratios
- Leverage Ratios
- Phase in of New Requirements
The Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III Implementation in the United States
- Regulations Adopted by Prudential Banking Regulators
- Differences in the United States From Global Framework
- Open Issues and New Developments
Implications for the Global Financial System
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on June 25, 2014.
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Ellen L. Marks
Latham & Watkins LLP
- Partner in the Chicago office of Latham & Watkins LLP, a leading global law firm
- Co-writer, "Basel III: A New Environment for International Banks", a Latham & Watkins LLP client alert
- Co-writer, "Volcker Rule: An Initial Look at Significant Changes", a Latham & Watkins LLP client alert
- Vice-chair, Securitization and Structured Finance Committee of the Business Law Section of the American Bar Association
- Co-chair, Legal Counsel Committee, Structured Finance Industry Group
- Actively engaged in advocacy with respect to financial regulatory developments in banking, securitization and derivatives
- Can be contacted at [email protected]
C. Mark Nicolaides
Latham & Watkins LLP
- Partner in the London office of Latham & Watkins LLP, a leading global law firm
- Considered a leading expert in the Basel II Regulatory Capital Accord and the Basel III modifications to that Accord
- Works closely with clients and regulatory bodies in connection with the development and adoption of Basel II and Basel III within the EU
- Writer of "Regulatory Capital Requirements for European Banks - Implications of Changing Markets and a New Regulatory Environment"
- Advice on regulatory capital issues under Basel II and Basel III awarded a Highly Commended by the Financial Times in the 2010 Innovative Lawyers Awards
- Can be contacted at [email protected]
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