Understand how to be more effective at capturing time and avoiding pitfalls of hourly billing.
Many legal professionals struggle with hourly billing. Hourly billing is viewed as a chore and an aspect of legal practice that draws attention away from performing tasks assigned by the supervising attorney that advance the client's interests. Billing also causes many legal professionals undue stress at the end of the month as unreported time must be captured retrospectively. This presentation will help legal professionals understand how to be more effective at capturing time, avoiding traps and pitfalls, and how structuring billing practices to the particular needs of your supervising attorney to maximize your value at the workplace.
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Overview of Hourly Billing
- Hourly Billing vs. Contingent Billing Cases
- Block Billing vs. Specific Time Entries
- Time Management and Non-Billable Time
Best Billing Practices
- Contemporaneous Billing
- Strategies for Avoiding Block Billing
- Understanding Your Firm's Software and Billing Shorthand
Billing Pitfalls to Avoid
- Be Specific
- Do Not Pad Time
- Do Not Fall Behind
Tips for Capturing Your Time
- Bill Your Time Contemporaneously
- Break Up Your Billing Entries
- Use Sophisticated Language
- Delegate Administrative Tasks
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on January 9, 2023.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
- NALA 1.03
- This program is applicable for continuing legal assistant education credit. Please check with your accrediting board to see if this course will qualify towards your recertification requirements.
Program Length: 1.03 hour(s).
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Matt Kelley
Howry Breen & Herman LLP
- Trial attorney, Howry Breen & Herman, LLP, Austin, Texas
- Civil litigation, business litigation, real estate litigation, personal injury litigation
- Top Ten Person Injury Attorney in Texas under 40 for 2022, 2023, NAOPIA, Attorney Intel Top 50 Attorney in Austin for 2022
- Member of the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, Austin Bar Association, and Austin Young Lawyers Association
- Texas Tech Law Review, comment editor
- J.D. degree, magna cum laude, Texas Tech University School of Law; B.A. degree, Texas A&M University
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 512-474-7300, or 1900 Pearl Street, Austin, Texas 78705
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