Learn how to use root cause analysis to prevent payroll errors from occurring.
Technology is becoming more part of our daily lives, and payroll is no exception. Payroll departments are being asked to do more with less and leveraging technology to do payroll tasks. Now that day-to-day payroll tasks are being done with greater ease, payroll professionals are being asked to take more time to improve processes and save money for companies to perform those processes. Because of this, it is becoming more critical for payroll professionals to have the skills to analyze a process and build standards on how those processes are functioning, not only understanding a process but being able to measure results within industry standards. This topic will give you the tools to identify the root cause of errors so you can update processes to ensure such errors only happen once. This course will review commonly made errors reported by the IRS and the United States Department of Labor.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
Root Cause Analysis Tools
- Benchmarking
- Types of Benchmarking
- How to Benchmark
- Metrics - What Are They and What Is the Value?
- What to Measure
- Importance of the Customer
Common Payroll Errors and How to Avoid Them
- Worker Misclassification
- Properly Calculating Overtime
- Overpayment Corrections
- Timing of Payment
- Termination Errors
- Proper State Taxation
- Taxing Fringe Benefits
- Obtaining Proper Substantiation
- Proper Processing of Received Garnishments
- SUI Tax Practices
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on January 5, 2023.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
HR Certification Institute 1.0
- This E-Learning program has been pre-approved for 1.0 (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR®, aPHRi(TM), PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi(TM), and SPHRi(TM) recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.org.
SHRM 1.0
- Lorman Education Services is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for 1.0 PDC(s) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
To earn each credit Lorman offers through the OnDemand learning platform, you need to watch 100% of the program. Also, for certain credits you will need to fulfill additional requirements which will be displayed on the "credits" tab when viewing the course.
- Those applying for AIA and HRCI must view 100% of the program and answer the questions following the program.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Dayna J. Reum, CPP, FPC
Dayna J. Reum
- Senior director of payroll and HRIS at a major medical center in Chicago
- Heavily involved in the payroll field for more than 17 years
- Started as a payroll clerk at a small Tucson company, moved on to be a payroll team leader at Honeywell Inc.
- Obtained her FPC (Fundamental Payroll Certification) through the American Payroll Association
- Received several merit awards for customer service and acquisitions and divestiture
- Taught at the Metro Phoenix American Payroll Association meetings and the Arizona State Payroll Conference
- CPP (Certified Payroll Professional) through the APA
- Serves on the National American Payroll Association on the National Strategic Leadership Task Force, Government Affairs Task Force (PA local tax subcommittee)
- Received a citation of merit for her service and is a gold pin member of the APA
- Certified in HR hiring and firing practices and is a Six-Sigma Greenbelt
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