Ensure you understand and comply with corporate diversity obligations.
Today's world is more diverse than ever. While the U.S. workforce may reflect these changing demographics, corporate leadership has been slower to adapt, and state legislators and national regulators have taken notice -- and action. From mandatory quotas to mandatory disclosures, companies of all sizes and all industries now face a nuanced landscape of board of director diversity requirements. This presentation will tackle the complexities of corporate diversity in three parts. First, attendees will examine the impact of diversity in the boardroom, both from the perspective of directors as well as researchers. Second, this presentation will provide an overview of the relevant laws and regulations governing director diversity across the U.S., including laws in California, New York, Illinois, and Washington, as well as relevant SEC, Nasdaq, and NYSE rules. Finally, after comparing director diversity statistics before and after the enactment of relevant laws and rules, this presentation will survey potential new sources of future diversity regulation. This topic is critical for companies that desire to ensure they understand and comply with their corporate diversity obligations.
Learning Objectives
- You will be able to recognize the impact of diversity in the boardroom.
- You will be able to identify state legislative efforts to increase corporate board of director diversity.
- You will be able to identify regulatory bodies' and global efforts to increase corporate board of director diversity.
- You will be able to recognize where we are now and where we might go in terms of board of director diversity.
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The Impact of Diversity in the Boardroom
- From Directors' Point of View
- From the Research
Where We Started: Corporate Board of Director Diversity Before 2019 - a Review of Relevant Statistics
State Legislative Efforts to Increase Corporate Board of Director Diversity
- Option 1: Mandatory Diversity Quotas
- Option 2: Mandatory Diversity Disclosures
- Option 3: Non-Binding Resolutions Encouraging Diversity
Regulatory Bodies' Efforts to Increase Corporate Board of Director Diversity
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- New York Stock Exchange
- Nasdaq
Where We Are and Where We Might Go
- Where We Are - a Review of Relevant Statistics Regarding Current Corporate Board of Director Diversity
- Where We Might Go - an Overview of Other Sources of Corporate Diversity Requirements
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on January 11, 2023.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
Susan Gross Sholinsky
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
- Holds multiple leadership positions within the national law firm of Epstein Becker Green, P.C., including as a member of the Firm’s Board of Directors, as Chair of the Employment, Labor & Workforce Management Steering Committee, and as Vice Chair of the Firm’s Diversity and Professional Development Committee. Susan also serves on the Executive Committee of the Firm’s Women’s Initiative.
- Serves as New York Co-Chair of 50/50 Women on Boards: Global Conversation on Board Diversity.
- Serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Dalton School.
- Serves on the Advisory Committee of a New York-Based Private Retail Company.
- Adjunct Faculty Member at the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations and speaker at multiple DEI and employment law conferences and events, including The DEI Summit: Diversity Officers & HR Taking Charge, The Deloitte Academy, and Innovation@Work US Virtual Event, hosted by The Economist.
- Named to Chambers USA: The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business, New York – Labor & Employment (2022-2023), as well as The Legal 500 United States, Workplace and Employment Counseling (2019-2022).
- Recognized as one of 2020’s Responsible 100 by City & State New York, an award bestowed upon private-sector leaders whose work makes life better in communities in New York City and across the state.
- Counsels employers nationally on a variety of employment law matters to help them anticipate issues, ensure compliance, and avoid problems under federal, state, and local laws.
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or (212) 351-4789.
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