Understand the importance of having a safety committee in your workplace.
As more employers consider implementation of formal safety and health management systems, either voluntarily or to conform to some state OSHA regulatory requirements, methods of increasing employee involvement may present challenges. In a union workplace, the structure, implementation, and staffing of safety and health committees may require new bargaining, or could raise legal issues under the NLRA. In open shop workplaces, encouraging volunteerism may be a stumbling block. This material helps the persons responsible for safety and health management understand the role of employee empowerment in improving workplace safety performance. This topic will discuss utilization of safety and health committees, creating of labor/management audit teams, engagement of hourly workers in training and development of safe work practice protocols (e.g., JHA and toolbox talks). It will also explain how enhancing employee participant in safety activities is critical for companies that benchmark to ANSI and ISO standards, and how this can also benefit OSHA compliance.
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Employee Safety Systems Overview
- Types of Systems
- Union vs. Non-Union Work Environments
- Mandated Committees vs. Voluntary Safety Teams
Employee Roles in Safety and Health Management Systems
- ANSI Z10
- ANSI A10.33 (Construction)
- ISO Certification Systems
Safety and Health Committees
- Best Practices for Structuring Committees
- Member Selection, Volunteers, Balance, and Representation Issues
- Role of Committees in Safety Incentive Programs
Employee Involvement in Audit Teams
- Selection of Audit Team Members
- Scope of Assignments
- Management Buy-in on Recommendations
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This course was last revised on October 5, 2021.
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Adele L. Abrams, Esq., ASP, CMSP
Law Office of Adele L. Abrams P.C.
- President, Law Office of Adele L. Abrams, P.C.
- Practice representing employers in OSHA, MSHA and other regulatory and employment law matters.
- Instructs on employment law at U. Of Colorado and Catholic University of America; regular speaker at conferences of NSC, ASSP, and various trade and bar associations.
- Co-author of textbooks: The Safety Professional’s Handbook and Construction Safety Management & Engineering (both published by ASSP)
- Member of NSC, ASSP, American Bar Association
- Avetta Fellow
- National Safety Council’s DSSA Award Winner 2017
- Admitted to practice before multiple state bars, federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court
- JD, George Washington University; BS, University of Maryland, College Park.
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 301-613-7498
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