Understand the advantages and potential concerns that come with self-funding and whether it's the right decision for your organization.
Healthcare costs are constantly on the rise, and the cost to employers and employees is only becoming more of a burden. Traditional insurance carriers often offset these increasing costs by raising copays and deductibles, and employers paying the premiums find themselves having to shift the increased costs to their employees. Through self-funding, however, employers can tailor the benefits offered to their employee populations, which can prove more cost-effective for both employers and employees. Self-funding involves a more hands-on approach by involving buy-in from employers and employees alike to fully realize its advantages. As a small trade-off for the cost-savings and ability to customize benefits to an employer's workforce, employers and their TPAs must address certain plan design and compliance considerations. This material will provide a framework for the self-funding industry by describing the various concerns of which employers must be aware with an eye toward maximizing benefits while minimizing costs.
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Overview of Self-Funded Plans
- Governing Law (e.g., ERISA, ACA, HIPAA, FMLA, COBRA, Mhpaea)
- Benefits of ERISA Preemption
- Important of Strong Language in the Spd
- Compliance Concerns
- Benefits of Self-Funding vs. Fully Insured
- Risks of Self-Funding vs. Fully Insured
Employer/Employee Cost Sharing in Self-Funded Plans
- ACA Changed the Landscape
- What Employee Is Paying vs. What Employer Is Paying
Stop-Loss Insurance, Reinsurance and Other Options
- Stop-Loss Is a Specific Type of Reinsurance
- Stop-Loss Regulated by State Law
- Deductibles, Aggregate vs. Specific
- Level Funding
- Captives
- Duration of a Policy Has a Lot of Options/Implications
Designing Your Plan
- Compliance Considerations
- The Relevant Players
- Choosing and Administrator
Cost Control Measures for a Self-Funded Plan
- Overall Considerations
- Employer Incentives
- Plan Incentives
- Carve Outs (e.g., Dialysis, Specialty Drugs)
- Medical Tourism
Case Examples
- The Phia Group Health Plan
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This course was last revised on August 5, 2021.
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Nicholas Bonds, Esq.
The Phia Group, LLC
- Health Benefits Plan Administration Attorney at The Phia Group, LLC
- Member of the Independent Consultation & Evaluation (ICE) team, working on consultation, plan document review, and regulatory compliance
- Regular contributor to Phia articles, blogs, podcasts, and webinars
- Member of the Massachusetts Bar Association
- J.D. degree, New England Law | Boston, with a certificate in intellectual property law; B.A. degree in history, with a minor in biology, McMurry University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

Kelly E. Dempsey, Esq.
The Phia Group, LLC
- Vice President of Consulting at The Phia Group, LLC
- Concentrates in various aspects of self-funding, health care, and employee benefits, specializing in plan document drafting and review, as well as a myriad of compliance matters
- Frequent speaker for industry webinars and client conferences
- Written multiple industry publications and contributor to online media content
- Ohio State Bar Association member
- J.D. degree, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law; B.S. degree in both psychology and business, Muskingum University (formerly Muskingum College), graduating magna cum laude
- Can be contacted at [email protected]
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