Prevent exposing your business to considerable legal risk while utilizing independent contractors and other contingent works.
Many businesses rely upon independent contractors or other contingent workers, but do not understand the legal standards for being able to do so. These standards can vary by state and federal agency, and getting it wrong potentially means tremendous wage, tax, benefit, and other liability, as well as having to change your business model. This is an area that has received increased public attention, plaintiff, and governmental scrutiny in recent years, and will continue to do so with the rise of the shared economy and technology. This topic will help educate those responsible at companies for managing these workforces on how best to do so in a way that minimizes risk and increases compliance with the thicket of laws. The topic will take participants through both the legal standards and practical considerations in using such a workforce. The topic is critical for businesses who want to continue to rely upon independent contractors and other contingent workers without exposing the business to considerable legal risk.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
What Is the Contingent Worker Legal Landscape?
- The Legal Standards for Use of Contingent Workers
- The Practical Issues for Use of Contingent Workers
- The Cultural Issues for Use of Contingent Workers
What Are the Legal Risks in Using Contingent Workers?
- Wage/Hour
- Joint Employer
- Tax
- Benefits
How Has the Recent Department of Labor Guidance Changed the Analysis?
- The Administrator's Memorandum Regarding Enforcement Interpretation
- The Memorandum's Interaction With the Prior Legal Tests
- What Businesses Should Be Doing in Response
Best Practices for How to Successfully Implement a Contingent Workforce?
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This course was last revised on February 18, 2016.
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This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Jonathan S. Krause
Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP
- Partner in the employment and litigation practice groups of Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP, resident in the Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Hill, NJ offices
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of employment law in litigation and counseling, with a particular emphasis on wage and hour compliance, contingent workforce, trade secret and noncompete, discrimination claims and investigations, and medical leaves
- Conducted regular seminars and workshops on employment law, including serving on the faculty of the 2015 Wage and Hour Symposium presented by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute
- Has published and been quoted on issues regarding employment law
- Admitted to practice in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and various federal trial and appellate courts, and has litigated in federal and state court across the country, including New York, California, Delaware, Massachusetts, Illinois, Florida, and Texas
- J.D. degree, Duke University School of Law; B.A. degree, Amherst College
- Can be contacted at 215-569-4496 or [email protected]
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