Understand effective pre-judgment and post-judgment remedies to collect a debt in California.
Many attorneys and people responsible for collecting debt understand that a lawsuit might be required to obtain a judgment for a debt owed. However, most people, including attorneys, do not know how to enforce a judgment when the debtor refuses to pay. Many assume a debt will be paid when a judgment is obtained; unfortunately, that is not the case. Judgment enforcement actions are often required before a judgment debtor will attempt to satisfy a judgment, but few attorneys know how to do anything other than the basic judgment enforcement remedies of conducting bank levies and judgment debtor examinations. This leaves many clients upset and judgments unsatisfied. This presentation will help persons responsible for debt collection understand effective pre- and post-judgment remedies to collect a debt, discuss how to attempt a debt before filing a lawsuit, and post-judgment remedies in California, including creating liens, conducting effective post-judgment discovery, and satisfying the judgment.
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Effective Pre-Lawsuit Collection Actions
- Debtor Psychology
- Demand Letters
- Cost and Time Benefits of Settlement
Securing the Judgment
- Real Property Liens
- Personal Property Liens
- Miscellaneous Liens
Conducting Effective Post-Judgment Discovery
- Judgment Debtor Examinations
- Document Subpoenas
- Third-Party Examinations
Enforcing the Judgment
- Levies
- Post-Judgment Orders
- Amending the Judgment to Include Alter Egos
- Fraudulent Transfers
- Receivers
Satisfying the Judgment
- Satisfaction of Judgment
- Release of Liens
- Creditor Liability for Untimely Satisfaction of Judgment
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on August 31, 2022.
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- CA MCLE 1.0
- Lorman Education Services is a State Bar of California approved MCLE sponsor and this course qualifies for 1.0 CLE hours of participatory credit.
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Richard S. Davis
Fickel & Davis
- Partner in the law firm of Fickel & Davis
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of post-judgment enforcement in California
- Representation of Bankruptcy Trustees and Court-Appointed Receivers
- Member of the California State Bar, and admitted to practice in the Southern and Central Districts of California
- BA degree in History from the University of Utah, and J.D. degree from California Western School of Law
- May be contacted at [email protected]
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