Gain insight into the inner workings of a §501(c)(4) organization.
This topic will help you understand the essential characteristics of a §501(c)(4) organization; how a §501(c)(4) EO can complement a §501(c)(3) EO; how to establish a §501(c)(4) organization and obtain recognition of its exemption. It will show you how to operate a §501(c)(4) EO within the parameters of its exempt status and other laws governing lobbying and political activity.
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Tax-Exempt Organizations
Section 501(c)(4) EOs
Social Welfare
Court Decisions
Why Establish a Related §501(c)(4) EO?
How to Establish a §501(c)(4) EO
Nondeductible Lobbying and Political Expenses
Political Activity
Section 527(f) Tax
Charitable Solicitation Registration
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This course was last revised on May 13, 2024.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Charles M. "Chip" Watkins, Esq.
Webster, Chamberlain & Bean, LLP
- Since 1986, he has been in private practice with Webster, Chamberlain & Bean, LLP, representing and advising tax-exempt organizations, including several brother-sister §501(c)(3) and §501(c)(4) EOs
- Worked in the office of the chief counsel for the Internal Revenue Service, Employee Benefits and Exempt Organizations Division (now TE/GE) from 1981-1985
- Frequent speaker about exempt organizations topics for the Washington Nonprofit Legal & Tax Conference, the Christian Leadership Alliance, and other organizations
- In January 2019, he addressed the American Bar Association’s Committee on exempt organizations about what are political activities for purposes of §501(c)
- Member of the District of Columbia Bar and the Christian Leadership Alliance
- Can be contacted at 202-688-3548 or [email protected]
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