Technology is changing the way resumes are built.
Our author, Roger Lear of, predicts that in the next five years that resumes will be replaced by compilations of a person’s online presence which will be organized by recruiting technology. This white paper discusses his idea and how it is already in the process of happening.

Roger Lear
- Cofounder of and; since 2001, these sites have been leaders in their respective niches
- Expertise is being able keep reinventing the job board, digital recruiting technology model to stay competitive and find great talent for our respective clients
- President of Lear & Associates, executive search firm specializing in insurance, since 1989, the art of recruiting as an executive search consultant laid the framework to how to source, attract and hire talent; built first website in 1995 (before domain names)
- Recruitment technology speaker to employer groups, SHRM chapters and national associations since 2005
- TA Tech (The Association for Talent Acquisition Solutions) board member
- Jobs Partnership of Central Florida, advisor
- HR Florida Conference, exhibit chair, 2009 - present, volunteer
- SHRM and GOSHRM, member since 2004
- Can be contacted at 407-645-4224 x202 or [email protected]

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