Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that you need the right tools for the job.
In today’s saturated software market, how do you choose an ERP tool that’s right for your company? Our four-step process guides you past the brand names and buzzwords to find the business management solution that will help your company to get the job done — without turning managing your ERP system into a full-time job all its own.
Download our white paper to learn:
- How narratives can help you fine tune what you need in an ERP solution
- What factors go into the pricing of an ERP solution
- What questions you should ask when comparing various ERP solution
About the Author
Michael Bethuy is the Chief Executive Officer at Avant Garde Information Solutions, LLC, dba aACE Software. As the lead designer of aACE, an accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for midsize businesses, he is interested in helping companies leverage technology to attain competitive advantage through leaner, faster, and tighter sales, operations, and accounting integration.

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