It is important for employers to understand that the stress experienced by their employees is not only caused at work but also caused by; poor diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, emotional issues, negative thinking, perceptions, relationship issues, problems at home, chemicals in food , chemicals in the environment, and a myriad of other problems. If you solve one or two of these issues, you are still left with stressed out employees who are costing you money.
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Kimberly Palm, C.M.I.
Body & Mind Healing, LLC
- Owner/president of Body & Mind Healing, LLC
- Stress management coach, medical intuitive, mindfulness expert, certified meditation instructor, mind power trainer, writer and speaker
- Teaches live seminars on stress management, work-life balance, mindfulness, mindpower, meditation and healing, as well as webinars, teleseminars and workshops in Washington state and worldwide
- Before starting her current business, she has worked in and with corporate America for more than 31 years, has owned eight businesses in the last 24 years, was membership director at two different chambers of commerce and ran a successful marketing consulting business for 12 years
- Currently writing a book on stress management, has her own blog, and has written many articles that have been published in several local newspapers, as well as on many internet websites
- Guest/been interviewed on over nine radio shows that have been broadcasted worldwide
- Bachelors degree in business administration with emphasis in marketing and sales management, California State University of Fullerton; A.A. degree in merchandising, Fullerton Jr. College; certificate in mindfulness and meditation instruction, University of Holistic Theology 2011
- Member of the following organizations: NAPW (National Association of Professional Women), Member of and honored as a Woman of Excellence in the NAPEW (National Association of Professional and Executive Women), BPW (Business and Professional Women) and IAMI (International Association of Meditation Instructors)
- Can be contacted at 206-484-0312 or [email protected]

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