The value of any witness is built upon their credibility with the jury.
This becomes exceptionally true when it comes to expert witnesses as their testimony is usually pitted against that of an opposing counsel’s expert. Each expert’s credibility may decide what contradicting conclusions jurors will decide to make. Which is why it is appropriate that a client would ask if their expert will appear biased? This white paper reviews factors that influence an expert’s credibility.

Merrie Jo Pitera, Ph.D.
Litigation Insights, Inc
- CEO/senior research director, Litigation Insights, Inc., a jury research, visual communications company
- A psychology and communications expert who has more than 28 years of experience in the field
- Practice areas include intellectual property, employment, commercial, environmental and product liability/personal injury litigation
- Has accompanied dozens of trial teams to trial
- Frequent national and international speaker on jury behavior, witness prep methods, and jury selection.
- In addition to publishing articles in a variety of law journals on jury selection and trial preparation, she has authored many white papers re the communication skills for the testifying expert and/or corporate witness; co-author of a book entitled: Storytelling for the Defense: The Defense Attorney’s Courtroom Guide to Beating Plaintiffs at their Own Game
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

Christina Marinakis
Litigation Insights
Dr. Marinakis has 17 years of jury research, study, and applied practice in law and psychology. Christina has assisted trial counsel during jury selection and with daily trial monitoring in venues across the country, helping clients obtain favorable outcomes in notoriously difficult jurisdictions such as Baltimore, Miami, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and San Francisco.
Christina draws from her backgrounds in law, psychology, and jury research to draft juror questionnaires, voir dire questions, jury instructions, and verdict forms. Through her experience conducting focus groups, mock trials, and shadow juries, she has analyzed hundreds of mock jurors, in addition to interviewing actual jurors post-verdict. Christina regularly assists counsel in developing and implementing trial themes throughout voir dire, opening statements, and witness testimony, and she is particularly skilled at translating legal concepts to juror vernacular. Her case experience includes product liability, antitrust litigation, class action, legal and medical malpractice, contract disputes, patents, securities, fraud, trade secrets, employment discrimination, wage and hour, toxic tort and criminal work for both prosecutors and defendants.
Litigation Insights is a national, woman-owned company with more than 20 years of experience conducting jury research, developing trial graphics and assisting counsel with jury selection and case presentation during trial proceedings. As a full-service firm, the company provides everything from witness preparation and jury selection to trial graphics and courtroom technology.

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