White Paper

3 Pages
  • 3 Pages

Why People Follow Charismatic Leaders


Be a leader that employees choose to follow.

Whether a manager is new to the role or has been in their role for 30 years, there is always opportunity to go from a manager to a leader … a charismatic leader. Employees know who they have to follow because that person is their manager, the real key is when employees want to, and choose to, follow a person because they are truly a leader. This white paper reviews traits to a charismatic leader and how you can become a leader that employees choose to follow.



Karla Brandau, CEO

Karla Brandau, CEO

Brandau Power Institute

  • CEO of BrandauPower Institute
  • Areas of expertise include productivity and time management, email survival skills, DISC and Driving Forces assessments, emotional intelligence, team building, and leadership
  • Conducts regular speeches, seminars, webinars, and workshops in all areas of expertise
  • Author of several publications: Wake Up the Winner Inside, Email Survival Skills, 101 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals, Visual Guides to Outlook® 2010, 2013, and 2016, The Leadership of One, and How to Earn the Gift of Discretionary Effort
  • Certified speaking professional, registered corporate coach, certified facilitator, certified professional behaviors analyst, and certified professional motivators analyst
  • B.A. Degree in education
  • Can be contacted at [email protected], 770-923-0883, on Twitter @KarlaBrandau, LinkedIn/In/KarlaBrandau, and www.KarlaBrandau.com

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