And How Businesses Can Turn this Around
Need a road map for increasing complaint satisfaction? Here you go. Before the 1980s, most American companies viewed customer care initiatives such as responding to complaints as a necessary evil, at best, and as a significant administrative cost, at worst. Companies all too often approached complaint handling as an adversarial process where they were pitted against “unreasonable” customers and “antibusiness” regulatory agencies. This white paper reviews studies on customer rage and the importance behind update customer complaint handling practices.
Scott M. Broetzmann
Customer Care Measurement & Consulting LLC
Our author, Scott M. Broetzmann is the President, CEO and Co-Founder of Customer Care Measurement & Consulting LLC. Scott’s creed for creating an extraordinary customer experience is simple: invest in those actions that lie at the intersection of increased customer loyalty and a favorable return on investment. Over the past 30 years, Scott has been empowering marketplace leaders from all industries to deliver a more profitable customer experience by helping them leverage good science.
Marc Grainer
Customer Care Measurement & Consulting LLC
Marc Grainer is a chairman and co-founder of Customer Care Measurement & Consulting LLC. Pioneer. Innovator. Influencer. Three words that convey the authentic and continuing impact of Marc's body of work. His legacy is firmly rooted in more than four decades of service to some 500 companies around the world.
David Beinhacker
Customer Care Measurement & Consulting LLC
David Beinhacker is a partner and chief research officer at Customer Care Measurement & Consulting LLC. David's methodological prowess coupled with a passion for innovative analytics is helping leading companies get the most from their investment in listening to the voice of their customer.

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