•What is the Affordable Care Act?
•Shared Employer Responsibility Mandate (Pay or Play) – Applicable Large Employers
•90-Day Waiting Period Rules
•Other Issues
•Reporting Requirements, Final Rules Issued
•Small Business Implications
•ACA Fees, Taxes, and Expenses
•Individual Coverage Mandate
•Wellness Plan Developments
•Other Individual Impacts

Rebecca L. Sczepanski
Hunter, Maclean, Exley & Dunn, P.C.
- Counsel with law firm of Hunter, Maclean, Exley & Dunn, P.C.
- Practices ERISA and employee benefits law
- Speaker at numerous seminars, television and press interviews, and wrote several articles on ERISA and employee benefits law topics, including ACA and fiduciary issues
- Member of SHRM, past chair of Women in Employee Benefits group, board member and officer of Michigan Employee Benefits Conference
- Former member of premier national employee benefits legal practices; in-house experience in institutional trust/banking compliance and as general counsel of a pharmacy benefits manager and TPA
- J.D. degree, cum laude, Wayne State Law School; B.B.A. degree, magna cum laude, Saginaw Valley State University; admitted to practice in Michigan and Georgia; C.P.A., Michigan

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