Learn how a derivative can help generate cash flow.
Are you familiar with the term “derivative?” If you work in finance the term derivative is quite commonly used. It’s a financial instrument used globally by organizations of all kinds – from nonprofits and hospitals to multi-national corporations. Derivatives are most often used by entities to hedge their currency, commodity, or interest rate risk. They are also a relatively inexpensive vehicle used to speculate and earn a return over and above what traditional investment instruments may yield. So, what is it? This white paper reviews what a derivative is and how they are used.

Craig Haymaker, CPA
- Managing Director of HedgeStar, where he oversees the risk management consulting, hedge accounting, and valuation groups
- Subject matter expert in financial reporting and accounting for debt, equities, derivatives, and other financial instruments
- Has over 11 years of audit, professional accounting, and risk management experience
- Has held positions with top companies, including Deloitte & Touche LLP (Boston), Liberty Mutual Group (Boston), and U.S. Bank (Minneapolis), with a focus on treasury departments, capital markets, and risk functions
- Events Committee Chair and Steering Committee member for the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) in Minneapolis
- B.B.A. degree in accounting, Stonehill College; CPA accreditation
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 952-208-5704

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