WannaCry set off alarms globally, and has infected more than 200,000 computers across more than 150 countries.
On Friday, May 12, 2017, a malicious ransomware program known as WannaCry was discovered infecting computer systems all over the world. Victims include Deutsche Bahn (Germany’s train system), FedEx, Spain’s telecom system Telefonica, and England’s National Health Service. While a web security researcher fortuitously discovered a “kill switch” that appears to have slowed the spread of WannaCry, the speed and efficiency with which it has spread over just the past week has worried cybersecurity experts and again raised public awareness of ransomware and other cyber threats.
Patrick X. Fowler
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
Patrick X. Fowler is a Partner in the Phoenix office of Snell & Wilmer. Mr. Fowler's practice concentrates on representing companies facing complex product liability, technology, cyber security/privacy and business claims. He counsels clients regarding compliance with many government regulations (e.g., FTC, DOD, SEC, CPSC, NHTSA/FMVSS, USCG) and industry standards (ISAO, SAE, ANSI, PCI-DSS, ABYC) and best practices. Mr. Fowler leads Snell & Wilmer’s product liability practice and is the co-chair of firm’s Cybersecurity, Data Protection, and Privacy practice area.
Anthony T. King
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
Anthony T. King is an associate in the Phoenix office of Snell & Wilmer. Mr. King represents clients in a variety of complex business disputes and commercial litigation. He regularly handles litigation in federal and state court involving business contract disputes, real estate disputes, partnership and shareholder disputes, employer-employee disputes and a plethora of business torts and other claims. Mr. King has experience with each stage of litigation, from beginning to end, including the discovery process, managing complex e-discovery cases, summary judgment, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, equitable relief such as temporary restraining orders, post-trial motions and collection efforts after judgment. He has represented clients in a variety of industries including wholesale distribution, financial institutions, franchises, and real estate.

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