Character to competence can get in the way of conveying a compelling testimony.
Even highly accomplished attorneys find that dealing with expert witnesses can often be demanding and require creativity in order to get the testimony delivered persuasively. This white paper reviews how to identify problems that attorneys may face with witnesses, while preserving the attorney-expert relationship.

Merrie Jo Pitera, Ph.D.
Litigation Insights, Inc
- CEO/senior research director, Litigation Insights, Inc., a jury research, visual communications company
- A psychology and communications expert who has more than 28 years of experience in the field
- Practice areas include intellectual property, employment, commercial, environmental and product liability/personal injury litigation
- Has accompanied dozens of trial teams to trial
- Frequent national and international speaker on jury behavior, witness prep methods, and jury selection.
- In addition to publishing articles in a variety of law journals on jury selection and trial preparation, she has authored many white papers re the communication skills for the testifying expert and/or corporate witness; co-author of a book entitled: Storytelling for the Defense: The Defense Attorney’s Courtroom Guide to Beating Plaintiffs at their Own Game
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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