White Paper

Time, Talent and Treasure - How You Can Use Yours Wisely to Help Charity

In recent years, we have seen the very best and, at times, the worst face of philanthropy, making our country more aware than ever of financial abuse, misuse and fraud on the part of charities and nonprofit organizations. Many people are more reluctant than ever to donate time, talent, and treasure to the many nonprofit organizations that truly need and deserve help. It becomes increasingly difficult for donors and volunteers to decide which organizations deserve their support and which ones will use their gifts wisely.

How does the thoughtful donor select from among the many charities that ask for money? How does one decide which organizations deserve and need their money and their time? By what criteria can a person judge if their money is being used wisely?

A good rule of thumb to follow, when evaluating a charitable request, is to follow the Donor Bill of Rights. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), formerly known as the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE); the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE); the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP); the American Association of Fund Raising Counsel (AAFRC), and others formulated this document; and numerous other associations representing the nonprofit sector have adopted it. Some key points that can help donors make educated decisions about philanthropic giving follow.

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Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE is the president of Linda Lysakowski, LLC. A senior herself, and caregiver to a senior, is one of just over 100 professionals worldwide to hold the Advanced Certified Fund Raising Executive designation.



Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE

Linda Lysakowski

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE, CDC, CDE, CNE

  • Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive (ACFRE) with over 40 years in the development field, Certified Nonprofit Consultant, Certified Nonprofit executive, Certified Development Executive
  • Managed capital campaigns, aided numerous nonprofits in achieving development goals, and trained 100,000+ professionals globally
  • Author of three dozen books, including works for the nonprofit sector, fiction, spirituality, and travel
  • Developed and managed 20 online courses for nonprofits
  • Recipient of Outstanding Fundraising Executive awards from AFP chapters in Eastern PA, Las Vegas, and Sierra (NV)
  • International recognition with the Barbara Marion Award for Outstanding Service to AFP
  • Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Las Vegas Chapter of AFP
  • Selected training and speaking engagements at the AFP International Conference, regional AFP chapters, and various national and international association conferences
  • Graduate of Alvernia College with majors in banking and finance, theology/philosophy and master’s Degree in theological studies Franciscan theology from Franciscan School of Theology, University of San Diego
  • AFP Faculty Training Academy graduate and recipient of two AFP research grants

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