If your company is thinking about restructuring, Please STOP and examine what you’re really trying to accomplish.
You may already be aware that restructuring is going to cause more problems for your organization, but perhaps you don’t know what else to do. When companies are asked what the reason is that they have decided to restructure there are some typical answers, including, collaboration issues, financial situation, or a need to get everyone on the same page. Taking a closer look at those reasons may end up saving you time and money in the end.

Cathy Cassidy
International Matrix Management Institute LLC
Cathy Cassidy is Managing Director of the Matrix Management Institute. She’s a key contributor to the Matrix Management 2.0™ Body of Knowledge, co-developer of the Matrix Management 2.0™ organizational operating system and our lead developer.
Cathy has worked with matrix organizations for over 10 years helping them define horizontal governance structures, create project systems and develop collaborative leadership skills. As Managing Director, her goal is to help organizations and practitioners adopt the skills and methods they need to succeed in their matrix organizations.
Cathy is a Matrix Management 2.0™ Master Consultant (CMMC™—MOL) and the author of several books on matrix management including most recently, Managing Projects in a Matrix, which she co-wrote with Paula Martin (Matrix Management Institute Founder).

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