The concept of employees often abusing their FLMA-guaranteed time away from the office might sound merely theoretical, but that's just not the case.
As with all legislation designed to protect workers and enhance the workplace, the Family and Medical Leave Act has fallen victim to abuse by workers at virtually every level. The result for many employers has been a workforce that is actually less healthy on the job, somewhat less productive overall, and determined to use sick days for things that have nothing to do with personal or family medical matters. This white paper covers several key ways to prevent or at least discourage abuse of this key piece of legislation. Human resources professionals stand to gain in several significant ways by restructuring the way the office works, enhancing productivity and boosting overall employee attendance as a result. For those who are new to the legislation itself, or those human resources professionals who have long suffered at the hands of this law, preventing abuse is both a proactive way to improve office life and a great way to protect employees from their own potential for bad decision-making.

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