Successful investors have a healthy life balance
If your investment portfolio design is based on long-term performance expectations you have to give it sufficient time to show its stuff. Investors know that they need to have reasonable expectations in order to be successful. Download this white paper for tips on how to add specific habits to increase your investment success.

Craig L. Israelsen, Ph.D.
7Twelve (TM) Portfolio
- Developer of the 7Twelve® portfolio
- Executive-in-Residence, Financial Planning Program, Utah Valley University
- Wrote monthly for Financial Planning Magazine for over 20 years
- Author of several books
- Previously on the faculty at University of Missouri (1991-2014) and Brigham Young University (2004-2013)
- Has published dozens of journal articles and hundreds of professional articles
- •Can be contacted at [email protected] or 801-489-4711

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