Throughout my career in Corporate America I worked with placement agencies and recruiters. Now as a career coach, I have spent the past 6 years working with thousands of job seekers.
So I am extremely familiar with our 21st Century “Gig” economy, which is also referred to as the sharing, collaborative, peer-to-peer, on-demand, or gift economy. But what is the “gig” economy?
Independent workers/freelancers select temporary jobs (projects) to work from anywhere, and employers get to select best workers for specific projects. To understand the transforming role of work in America, it will help to understand why our American workforce is becoming a truly alternative workforce and gig employment is growing exponentially?
Financial pressure is being constantly exerted on organization to reduce costs (staff) and the entrance of the Millennial generation, will represent 4 of 5 workers by 2020. Companies realize significant headcount reductions by using freelancers by saving on office space, benefits, and employee training.
Temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short term engagement projects. Our economy is becoming project work driven to meet peak production periods. Workers must become mini-businesses to find work (clients.)”
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Ethan L. Chazin, M.B.A.
The Chazin Group LLC
- Principal of The Chazin Group LLC
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of business growth coaching
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous areas related to leadership, sales effectiveness, culture transformation, diversity and belonging, and employee empowerment
- Author of several publications related to the areas of career exploration and culture transformation
- Membership information: Goldman Sachs 10,000 small businesses coach, Kauffman Foundation FastTrac Growth coach certification
- M.B.A. degree in marketing, George Washington University
- Can be contacted at 917-239-5571, [email protected], or

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